which bike for my needs and my restrictions

22 Nov 2010
hey guys,

so as im still young, driving insurance has put me off completely and im getting my bike licence atm, but im limited to 400cc and 46BHP (as i will be getting my licence next month)

the bike will be used for commuting to work 5 days a week and about 12miles each way (maybe some de-tours on the way home now and again lol)

i dont want a superbike or scooter etc.. i want a enduro or supermoto, i used to race motocross since i was about 8 years old starting on a KX60 then making my way upto a KX250F.

i then stopped racing and now looking for a road bike (or a enduro to do both :D)

now as i used to race motocross im concerned that im going to get bored of a small bore bike such as a 250 and under, and 2 stroke is not a option as ill be re-building the engine all the time and haven't got the time and funds to keep doing this.

so what do i do?... can i get a enduro/supermoto with brutal engine power with my restriction?

will a YAMAHA WR250F suite my needs? or something similar, point me in the right direction guys as i end up looking at the MX bikes which not only has no steering lock or keys, but cost a fortune to keep on top of maintenance! :D lol

cheers guys
my list so far is:

yamaha wr250f
yamaha wr250x/r
suzuki drz400e/s
CRF 250X

im just 50cc off of the CRF450X and the WR450F :(

never heard of CCM
just looked up insurance, and it seems in going to be around the £1200-1500 mark! :O

any other bikes with cheaper insurance i should look at?
about the same price buddy :(

the cheapest i found was a ktm exc 125 2t for £503 but with £950 excess

2004 WR250F is £1429! and thats just fire&theft!

i am really shocked
that bike is a stunner! just the type of bike i want, tho will change the wheels or just get another set with road tyres

but the insurance quote is £1300 for that bike :(
managed to get a quote on a 03 wr250f for £751 so its looking up, btw what additional security can you fit to enduro bikes?
bennetts is £1158
mce is £1013

still to high for my liking and the bike used is a 2003 yamaha wr250f

if i go smaller than a 250cc thumper, then its going to be soo boring :(
2002 wr250f for £630 tpft with Ebike, i dont understand why it drops so much due to the year of the bike

EDIT: and extra £40 for a 4 year newer model
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so is the WR250F the way to go for me? or any other bikes i should look at, bare in mind i used to have my kx250f setup to have a fierce pull through the low-mid revs

from research the WR seems to be the closest im going to get to the kind of bike i want without going into maintenance and anti theft issues (WR's have keys and steering locks and also lights already fitted)
ive got a couple of ground anchors and a few oxford chains and just looking at datatools now

the wr400 dose not have electric start and is a right pig to start apparently, and parts are harder to get hold of as their is not many of the wr400's around no more

thats what ive read up on the net
i havent got to hit any motorways to get to work so i think a 250 should be fine, just got to pick one up now and uncork the thing :D
whats the best security i can get for the WR250F? immoblisers,alarms, disc locks etc

links please :D

ive got a couple of oxford chains but just seen a review on youtube and they cut them with bolt cutters in under 30 seconds! :(

i have a feeling its going to grab attention as well so more than likely someone will try and get it (my MX bikes rarely come out as i just raced them twice a month)
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