which brand do you seem to have the most of

I think Corsair is what I have the most of. PSU, case fans, RGB, all their various hubs and controllers, HS70 headphones, K63 keyboard & lapboard, Harpoon mouse, got corsair RAM in a couple of systems. Probably more I've forgotten too.
I just had different periods of bread dominance... it was Asus then I used a lot of Gigabit. At the moment it's a mixture of both + Corsair...

PC components I get what best value for money and don't consider brand that much just how it looks. I'm a sucker for razer peripherals though as I think they look the best and because I bought a razer keyboard I got a razer mouse so I only have to use one piece of software.

Got to say with everything going rgb I think companies are trying to lock people in to buying the same brands for everything such things daisy chaining means people are more likely to stick with the same brand. I know everything connects to the motherboard by argb but they are trying to make it so you can only use their branded stuff.
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