Which company would you work for?

3 Sep 2012
P town
Say there's two companies A and B, A is close to home and B is an hour away but with the same salary, more benefits(e.g exposure to multiple skills) and a better gut feeling.

Which would you go for?
No such thing as gut feeling, from a scientific point of view as it's often based on bias, but that aside, I'd break it down by; what I thought would further me in my career the most, what would provide the most enjoyable work, what would keep me learning the most.

Then pick that one.
No such thing as gut feeling, from a scientific point of view as it's often based on bias, but that aside, I'd break it down by; what I thought would further me in my career the most, what would provide the most enjoyable work, what would keep me learning the most.

Then pick that one.

Thanks mate, you know what I mean surely. If not then I got a better feeling from company B but as you said that feeling comes from the impression I got.

A. Because I can walk to work and have something with a V10 on the drive. :p

It's not just about lowered cars m8 ;)
Make a pros and cons list. Distance to travel is one aspect, but write down the physical impacts this has (cost, length of work day, impact on flexibility, etc)
To me, the central issue here is the potential to further exposure for you.

You need to sit down and weigh up if the exposure is worth the investment of your time.
It depends. Close to home for me is not somewhere I'd want to work, because most of the places to work would involve working on an industrial estate and grabbing lunch from Tesco metro.

It depends how much value YOU put on it, not us.
To me, the central issue here is the potential to further exposure for you.

You need to sit down and weigh up if the exposure is worth the investment of your time.

It's not just exposure but the culture/demographic, company B I feel I would fit into better as more people there are on the same boat and others who've been there. Surely you'd work somewhere you could get along with and make your day more productive and enjoyable.

Fair enough A is close but I might not like it and that would make it a drag. Yes I know that could apply to B but from what I've seen there's less chance of that.
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No such thing as gut feeling, from a scientific point of view as it's often based on bias, but that aside, I'd break it down by; what I thought would further me in my career the most, what would provide the most enjoyable work, what would keep me learning the most.

Then pick that one.


Do whats best for your career in the long run.

What goes on your CV is worth more in the long term than what goes in your pocket in the short term.

You could look at it as a long term investment vs short term investment.

Plus 1hr isn't far. That's pretty standard really.

I've applied for a job which would be AMAZING for my career, but it's gonna be 1.30hr travel time. And that's if all goes to plan. Delays etc and it will probably end up 2hrs.
Which would you go for?

Neither. I'll never work for anyone else, ever again.

So I assume you mean which do we think you should work for? That's impossible to answer without knowing much more about you, and probably tbe two jobs, especially the nature of the extra benefits.

For instance, the impact of the extra daily travel time. Are you young and unattached, or married with very young family, or married with an older family? What impact would more or less time have on family?

As a young, unattached man, I spent several years working jobs all over the country. Some meant long journeys, some meant protracted periods in hotels. Later on, as a married man, I had a couple of overseas postings taking the family with me. At that stage, I was far morw focussed on experience and career opportunities than salary. Then, having set up on my own, the hours were even longer, but split between away trips and managing the business admin at home. Then, once established, I could adjust the ratio to more and more home time, then part-time, while paying someone else to do the hard slog. Now, I work when I want, or the occasional crisis demands it. Before long, I'll probably sell up entirely and enjoy life while I'm young enough and got enough to do so.

Only in very early stages would I have had to consider either of your options. Which I took would have depended on marital status, family status and crucially, the wife's opinion. Fortunately for me, she has always been more than compentent to cope, and very encouraging of me pushing career development, even at the cost of her own. But that won't work for everybody.

Which should you take? I don't know, but the above gives an insight into what my decision-making process would be. But I'm not you, my circumstances aren't yours, so all I can suggest is to weigh up the pros and cons of each, decide where your priorities are, and decide accordingly.

Just remember there's never any absolute right or wrong choice, and whatever you do, make the most of it, and if it turns out to be wrong, learn from the mistake and move on.
It would take a lot for me to go for a job with a 2 hour commute a day.

Some don't mind but same salary job with that extra cost of travel will put a bit of a dent in net pay.

If travel isn't an issue and if you are fairly early on in your career and the experience and promotional prospects, B would probably be your answer.
Thank you guys, yes ultimately it will be me making my decision, but it helps to know what others would do and think.

I will keep you all updated on how it goes :)
Is an extra 10 hours a week and travel costs worth it? I don't know your personal situation but we made the decision (well, my missus did, it was her job) that a better work life balance meant more to us than the financial reward (overtime and on call bonus etc).

So we moved 150 miles and now she has a 9-5 job with no weekends on the same pay with a 30min journey. Prospects are slightly different but you have to decide what you want from it all. We are approaching our 40's so this made sense to us.
So a spanner was thrown in the works today, Company A have offered a higher salary than B and it's one that took me by surprise. Decision has been made even tougher now.
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