Which External Harddrive

28 Jul 2003
The Moon
I am looking to purchase an external harddrive from Overclockers but I can't decide which one I mean is it worth getting a less known brand but a higher capacity for the same price as a better known brand with a lower capacity? The drive will mainly be used for backing up work from my dad's company laptop.
Get a Seagate IDE drive from the 7200.9 series and buy an external housing for it. Seagates are one of the most reliable drives around and perfect for backup solution.
Buffer is the resident amount of physical RAM on the HDU. This RAM is a buffer of data which can be accessed extremely quickly. The higher the buffer, the better as this is how much data can be cached for quick access and is filled up to prevent any drop out of data when files are requested or being written to the HDU. Most drives have 8MB now standard and 16MB ones are the new ones. 2MB cache drives really show their age (I tried to play FarCry with my old one - jittery map loads, VERY slow etc).

This is my basic understanding of the cache though, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
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