TJ07 is still one of my all time favourite cases, Silverstone made such brilliant cases, I still have my Raven RV02-ew (I think thats the code for the white one), it's not being used but I cant bear to part with it.
I only just dumped my Silverstone FT02 fortress case about 2 weeks ago ( It been sitting in the loft for about 6 years)
I was kicking myself for doing that a few days later as i had enough spare system parts kicking around to build a 4770k /z 87/ 16GB ram/ GTX1080 system in it which i could have then sold off as a working PC
Can't remember when i dumped my Silverstone TJ07 case as it was some years back now, Was an amazing case back then for watercooilng as it held the 360mm Rad in the lower section..
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