Which games you looking forward to that will need a beefy PC?

17 May 2006
Hi, Just wondering if there's any decent games due out soon that will need a top of the line PC to be playable as its intended. Was going to get a Conroe on launch but havn't heard much hype about new games that will need something like Conroe to play at a decent FPS. My Athlon XP mobile 2400+ with 1 gig DDR RAM with a 6800LE seems fast enough ATM, so am starting to think I should hold of on upgrading till there's a good reason to.
Crysis is one biggie that looks as though it's going to need one hell of a beast to run well, especially in DirectX 10.
TBH, mate, wait for the DX10 cards to come out. I was thinking of getting a 7950GX2, but then I thgouht, what am I going to do in a few months when DX10 comes out with vista and they have 8000*8000 textures?? So instead of wasting your money now, wait a few months, your 6800 should last most games on high, some on medium, just wait ;)
yeh if your going to do a big upgrade graphics wise i would wait for DX10... BUT... it may be a few months before they become affordable to the likes of you and me anyway so may be the start of next year by the time we could get one.
Personally I'm looking forward to Crysis and Unreal Tournment 2007 to give my recently upgraded rig a good run. And personally I don't believe much in waiting for the very latest hardware or predicted price drops. DX10 may be a big deal, it might not. My system is now an overclocked Opteron165 + x1900xt (675/810), supposedly close to the rig used for some Crysis demonstrations.

I upgraded from a [email protected] + 6800nu and havn't regretted it at all. I don't upgrade often and this new system hits the spot for me. Bits bought in total for about #470 (CPU/MB/HSF/GFX) by looking around for good prices.

You can always wait. But when new games come out there will always be a piece of kit that may run it as intended but in truth, for example Crysis, should still look fantastic in DX9 mode, if there's much in it at all.

To sum up, buy now. And then buy later. :D
Thing is if I upgrade my CPU, Mobo and ram I'll need a new gpu too because its AGP, so when DX10 comes I'll need a new graphics card again then. Also I reckon the Conroe mobos will probably be much better by then like with most new technologies. That and the prices will probably have come down. BUT if there isn't going to be much change in technology then the standard setup might still be a conroe e6600 by early next year so I might as well get it now. I'll wait 'till a few weeks after conroe's release and think about it again.

There don't seem to be many must have games either till christmas/early next year. Stalker's looking good I suppose and Crysis
AMDPower said:
what is a rought ETA for these new DX10 gfx cards?

Well DX10 is going to be Windows Vista only apparently, so I'd say closer to christmas, before Vista is released in early 2007.
More to the point is there going to be a lot of dx10 optimised games out, or is it a case of only a handfull upto easter.
id b suprised if another gen of cards come out before November, dont see the point commercially of releasing DX10 cards so far before its actually available....and if a new gen of cards do come in September, you can bet your bottom dollar an even newer line of cards will be out on Vista release date.
Jabbs said:
More to the point is there going to be a lot of dx10 optimised games out, or is it a case of only a handfull upto easter.

Look at it this way, how many DX9 optimised games are really out at the moment? Not that many really. It takes a long time to get games like that out where enough people out there have the hardware out there to push their systems to their full potential. Doubt we will see DX10's full potential fully used until mid-late 2008 to be honest.
Normally I'm not a fan of the "wait and see" approach - there will always be something better & cheaper out in a few months no matter what you buy, so just go for it.

However, the move to Vista and DX10 is going to be a biggy. Personally I'm not even considering upgrading until they've been out a while and we have a clearer picture of what's going on.
Surely the games makers won't produce many DX10 games until there's enough machines out there running Vista to make it commercially worthwhile, and thats going to take a while.
One quick question - will they change the sockets/requirements for the cards?
I want to upgrade this summer as it will be my birthday, but I won't bother if PCI-Express won't be the standard any more by the time I need a new card.
Killerkebab said:
One quick question - will they change the sockets/requirements for the cards?
I want to upgrade this summer as it will be my birthday, but I won't bother if PCI-Express won't be the standard any more by the time I need a new card.

Doubt it, as PCI-E isn't exactly old yet, and I'd have thought should last a good few more years yet.
If your looking to play Crysis to the max though you would be best waiting for the game to arrive and buy the best card at that time. I think we may be on the second generation of DX10 cards by the time it actually arrives.

If you really want to spend graphics card type money right now, buy a 360. Cant think of any intense PC titles i want until Crysis.
Crysis, UT2007 and possibly STALKER. I'm gonna wait for affordable DX10 cards to come out. My 6600gt still makes most games look crisp and a joy to play, and it only cost £115! So I guess i'll pay around that much for a DX10 card
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