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Which graphics settings would you turn down first?

4 Feb 2009
So for reasons I've had to upgrade from a 1080p screen to an ultra wide 1440. (3400x1440, or something). Unfortunately it's still the same 2060 running the display.

What graphics settings would you turn down first, in such a situation? Excluding the obvious answer of Ray tracing. Take that as given.
4 Feb 2009
Is your new monitor G-sync compatible? If so, what refresh rate does it have? You might not need such a high framerate if you have G-sync enabled. Otherwise you might need to reduce settings until you can get a stable framerate above 60 to run with V-sync (ideally triplebuffered) on in order to avoid screen tearing.
Both g sync and freesync. Deliberate buying choice, knowing the 2060 would have to be replaced some time! Currently set to 60hz, but could go up to 144 - if I want to hear the GPU cry.
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