Which is the faster of this three ?

16 Jun 2003
I am after a new SATA II fast and reliable 500 GB HD.
Quite undecided which one to go for in between this 3 models as follows :

Samsung SpinPoint T HD501LJ 500GB SATA-II 16MB Cache
Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 500GB ST3500630AS SATA-II 16MB Cache
Western Digital Caviar SE16 500GB 5000AAKS SATA-II 16MB Cache

Which is the faster of this three ?
and which one would you raccomend ?
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hoctagon said:
Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 500GB ST3500630AS SATA-II 16MB Cache
Has to be that. Its Perpendicular recording technology (more info here) just edges it out faster then the rest, plus the 5-year warranty is an added bonus :cool:
The WD drive noted is one of the new AAKS range which is as fast as if not slightly faster than the Seagates. If you go back a few weeks in the forum there's a big thread from when they were on This Week Only, lots of HDTach traces and anecdotal comments.
I find the Western Digital drive creates a lot of Case vibration noises though, hence I've gone for the Samsung. Does the WD have NCQ? I'm sure the Samsung and Seageate does
duncan888 said:
I find the Western Digital drive creates a lot of Case vibration noises
I have all my drives suspended with bungee cord for this very reason, it makes a huge difference.

The WD does have NCQ but I've yet to see any proven benefits from it whereas I've seen plenty of cases where turning it off makes an improvement - RAID is the main one. NCQ seems to interfere with the order in which the RAID controller asks for the data and hence performance isn't great. Turn it off and the data comes off in the right order and speeds are fine.
hoctagon said:
Western Digital Caviar SE16 500GB 5000AAKS SATA-II 16MB Cache

and this is why:

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