Which is the quietest out of these two..

nightwish said:
Lovely drives

Do you have one?

Hope its quieter than the 3200KS i just got, hums for England so its going back. :(

Ordered a 250Gb P120S to replace it though. :D
seagate are quieter at idle but samsung are little bit quieter when spinning. I'd go for the seagates just for the 5yr warranty and good customer service
InQ said:
Do you have one?

Hope its quieter than the 3200KS i just got, hums for England so its going back. :(

Ordered a 250Gb P120S to replace it though. :D

Got one 160GB sata and one 250GB sataII - silent (or as near as makes no difference) when idle, can hear them accessing, but still not loud and my pc is on the desk right next to me
nightwish said:
Got one 160GB sata and one 250GB sataII - silent (or as near as makes no difference) when idle, can hear them accessing, but still not loud and my pc is on the desk right next to me

Can you run the HUTIL from Windows or do u have to run it in a CMD window ie DOS?
nightwish said:
No idea what you're talking about! :p

Drive diagnostics program, u can set the acoustic management among other things.
I managed to run it last night, u need to run it from a boot disk (its actually on Ultimate Boot CD if u want to d/l and use that as i had to due to having no floppy drive).
well worth running that when u install the drive to both checj the diagnostice before you use it and also the acoustic mgmt as some are turned on some turned off
Mine was set to off but even putting it on quiet or fast doesnt seem to make much difference....it gets a slower access time on HDTach though on quiet so i have it on fast now!
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