For starters the lens is £350.
Secondly both Canon and Nikon will sell lenses that are badly calibrated (I have had 2 Nikon lenses needing adjustment) costing thousands of pounds.
Thirdly I have not heard that many stories of calibration issues with this lens, but I don't look closely because both the Nikon 50mm f/1.4 and 1.8G are better lenses. Moreover, a lot of people think they have focus issues but it is really their technique or misunderstanding. A fast 50mm prime is often the first wide aperture lens they buy that allows shallow DOF, it is only then that people see their focus errors since there slow kit lens gave them large safety margin with a big DoF. Many people do horrible things like focus and recompose, which on a 50mm @ f/1.4 will cause horrible issues, especial if the lens suffers form field curvature.
Fourthly, all lenses and cameras are only built within a certain tolerance. If both camera and lens are at extreme opposite ends of this then there will be focus issues requiring calibration. In these circumstances it is quite often the camera body itself. Again, people buying their first fast prime like a sigma 50mm may only for the first time be able to observe that their camera is mis-calibrated, but will likely blame the lens.
Fifthly, if you buy a new lens and it is clearly focusing wrong you can send it to the manufacturer for calibration.
Finally, you are thinking of buying the Tamron 17-50mm F/2.8. This lens has a very bad reputation for focus issues. I went through 3 different copies before giving up, i just purchased the Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 instead. Far more people suffer focus issues with this lens than any other I have every heard of. I think it was Neil79 on this forum who was severely jerked around with this lens.
When I recommended the Tamron 17-50 I said "try before you buy". I would only buy from a brick and mortar shop, turning up with a printed focus chart and ask to borrow a tripod and do some tests, preferably opening several boxes and testing a few lenses to pick the best. If you can get a good one then it is a very nice, very sharp lens.