Not everyone wants a camera dangling from their neck like some kind of optical necklace for all the holiday, for one its uncomfortable, it can get annoying bobbing about and it potentially targets you for theft. I used to carry my apsc camera in a rucksack when on holiday and tobe honest after a while getting it out and putting it away got tobe a chore it got to a point that i didnt take it out in the first place.
All this is academic really only the op knows what compromises hes prepared to accept in terms of size, weight and image quality. For my needs the rx100 is the perfect size and offers great image quality for the price is it perfect...... no its not then again no camera is.
If you like the RX100, think about the Panasonic CM-1 with the same sensor
If you like the RX100, think about the Panasonic CM-1 with the same sensor
Needs processing.
Hope you dont mind I had 2 seconds spare so had a go at processing it, I think it looks better less flat and washed out. I was a bit limited with it being a small jpeg file thats been compressed to buggery.
There is really very little IQ difference between m43 and APS-C, especially Canon APS-C. If that difference was so important then APS-C itself would also liekly be an issue and you should stick to Full frame,Personally, I could never go with a M43 set-up as the loss of IQ in my opinion isn't acceptable. No doubting the weight savings, however, if that is the absolute priority.
As for going with an APS-C DSLR ; it's certainly an option, but taking Nikon for example, the DX format has largely been abandoned with virtually no pro-grade lenses being produced, and most of the cameras are of lower performance with some ergonomic issues forcing the user to turn towards third party manufacturers to fill in the gaps. I'd rather go with the Fuji X system which actually has a future ....
Needs processing.
Hope you dont mind I had 2 seconds spare so had a go at processing it, I think it looks better less flat and washed out. I was a bit limited with it being a small jpeg file thats been compressed to buggery.
There is really very little IQ difference between m43 and APS-C, especially Canon APS-C. If that difference was so important then APS-C itself would also liekly be an issue and you should stick to Full frame,
There's a fair difference between the new APS-C sensors vs the 16 and 20 MP m4/3 sensors in terms of dynamic range and noise.