Which MoHAA Clan did you play for?

I played as =TC= strikeanywhere, va for many years having initially joined [EUMC] when the demo first came out. The =TC= clan were a great group, we'd meet up a couple of times a year and go on the ****.

That game was largely responsible for some terrible AS and A Level grades of mine. I'd play every night, but on Tuesdays (match night) I'd play through to 7am and then head into college for a few hours on Wednesday morning. It was also massively responsible for my lingering virginity at the time...
Bit late to reply but hey as someone else resurrected this thread...that was another SSS clan 'Sesame Street Seperatists' used to play against them a lot... I spent most of Mohaa in =TC= Terran Confederation, doubt I'll find a game that will draw me into mp as much again but it was great in the years it lasted :)

Holy **** - just seen this post from years ago! What name did you play under? It was quite a small clan.
Omg how have I not seen this thread before :eek: played this game for at least 6 hours a day everyday,recognise a lot of clan tags and players :D the good old days inwas in =TKO= mustardgas or scorpion was my name truways was founder I miss those days
Wow, I read this thread a good few years ago but skimming over I still remember a lot of the names!

I mostly played Objective Realism, mostly in;
[.] Death of Thousands
-]-|{- Havok and Kaos
Os. Old Skool

And numerous other little ones in between, mostly played as Syk3, syke or variations of it! Was a shame when ClanBase.com went down a few years ago, was always fun seeing some of the clans on there years later! I was playing MoHAA a bit last year to show my nephew (8 at the time) as just a blast from the past, was surprising how many people still played.

I played as =TC= strikeanywhere, va for many years having initially joined [EUMC] when the demo first came out. The =TC= clan were a great group, we'd meet up a couple of times a year and go on the ****.

That game was largely responsible for some terrible AS and A Level grades of mine. I'd play every night, but on Tuesdays (match night) I'd play through to 7am and then head into college for a few hours on Wednesday morning. It was also massively responsible for my lingering virginity at the time...

Definitely remember =TC= strikeanywhere for some reason too! EUMC is another. Definitely agree on the school issues, I remember during the school holidays literally waking up and spending the whole day curtains closed playing it during the peak of summer.
Wow, I read this thread a good few years ago but skimming over I still remember a lot of the names!

I mostly played Objective Realism, mostly in;
[.] Death of Thousands
-]-|{- Havok and Kaos
Os. Old Skool

And numerous other little ones in between, mostly played as Syk3, syke or variations of it! Was a shame when ClanBase.com went down a few years ago, was always fun seeing some of the clans on there years later! I was playing MoHAA a bit last year to show my nephew (8 at the time) as just a blast from the past, was surprising how many people still played.

Definitely remember =TC= strikeanywhere for some reason too! EUMC is another. Definitely agree on the school issues, I remember during the school holidays literally waking up and spending the whole day curtains closed playing it during the peak of summer.

Objective realism was the only thing I played. My dad got me into the demo and I was hooked. My mates would frequently say things like "So if you die immediately... you then have to wait around for 5 mins for the game to end?" and find the whole thing really confusing.

Although I love FM and enjoy a bit of FIFA and B1, nothing comes remotely close to my MOHAA experience as far as (online) gaming goes. It was absolutely incredible and I really miss it. You'd end up having favourite opponents or teammates, that weren't in your clan, by simply playing with them so frequently... so much so that you'd be on first name terms. I used to dominate the sewer tunnel with a garand on The Bridge map, and loved some of the newer ones - St Lo, etc.

To this day every now and then I'll hear my dad pottering around the house muttering the German voice phrases, or when he's trying to get everyone to do something (get out the car/ get into the pub/cross the road) he'll say "alleman vorwartz" without realising it. He got so into it that one day he came home one weekend with a ******* mauser rifle in his hands!
he'll say "alleman vorwartz" without realising it. He got so into it that one day he came home one weekend with a ******* mauser rifle in his hands!

Brilliant! Even just reading "alleman vorwartz" I could hear it in my head.

What a game! *checks for uw support and uk servers*
he'll say "alleman vorwartz" without realising it.

I feel I'd be pretty ok if I was ever involved in a terrorist attack in a market in Berlin or wherever, when people started shouting "Heckenschutzer!" or "Unter beschuss! Wir brauchen hilfe!!" or "Granate! Deckung!", I'd know what to do :)
This is a hell of an old thread, and MoH:AA was old even then! They don't make them like that anymore.

:edit: actually it isn't anywhere near as old as I thought. When this thread was made it was only as old as CS:GO is today! Goes to show that the industry doesn't move as fast anymore, given that a 5 year old game then was pretty dead, and a there are plenty of 5 year old games now still going very strong.
Wow I saw the thread. Did you guys play MOHAA back when it was new? That game was the best. Don’t know if any of you remember the clan I was in. |T|E|X| stood for tactical executions. Had a lot of fun back then.
Anyone remember Toffs Wars?

I think most people on the Obj Realism circuit would :p

Everyone from the top clans pile on a TS pick sides and just play a War, was fun :)

Wow... I’m a bit slow to respond (11 years?) but yes I remember Toffs Wars ;)

This thread sure is bringing up memories, sorry for resurrection.

Toffs^ aka -Plus|Minus+
To this day every now and then I'll hear my dad pottering around the house muttering the German voice phrases, or when he's trying to get everyone to do something (get out the car/ get into the pub/cross the road) he'll say "alleman vorwartz" without realising it. He got so into it that one day he came home one weekend with a ******* mauser rifle in his hands!

That's awesome.. I tried speaking some of the taunts into google translate with a moderate amount of success
Gib mir Deckung -> Cover me
Ich gebe dir Deckung - I'll cover you
Folge mir -> Follow me
Du benehmst die Spitze -> You take point
Du benehmst die Führung -> You take the lead
Unter Beschuss, wir brauchen Hilfe -> Taking fire, need some help
Vorwärts -> Charge
Angriff -> Attack
Feuer -> Fire
Alle Mann vorwärts -> Squad, move in
Alle Mann zurück -> Squad, fall back
Rechter Flanke angreifen -> Squad, attack right flank
Linker Flanke angreifen -> Squad, attack left flank
Stellung halten -> Squad, hold this position
Feuer Deckung (geben) -> (Give) Covering fire
Alle Mann/Kompanie sammeln -> Squad, regroup
Durch ihnen kommen wir um -> He's going to get us killed
Der Menge gute Kameraden werden wegen seiner schlechten Führung  umkommen -> A lot of good men are going to die because of his poor leadership
Gut daß er weg ist -> Good riddance
Durch den werden wir alle verrecken -> He's going to get us killed
Kamerad, runter mit dir -> Hey buddy get down
Bleib von meinem Loch fern/weg Junge -> Stay out of my foxhole Pall
Such dein eigenes Versteck -> Find your own hiding place
Aus dem Weg -> Get out of my way
Das war Drecksarbeit -> That made a mess
Zu Befehl -> Yes, sir
Nein -> No, sir
Feind gesichtet -> Enemy spotted
Heckenschütze -> Sniper
Granate, deckung -> Grenade, take cover
Gebiet gesichert -> Area clear
Guter Schuss -> Nice shot
Danke -> Thanks
Ich werd es ihn vergelten -> I owe you one
Wie, mehr kannst du nicht -> Is that all you got?
Den Ami's sind die echten Männer ausgegangen -> I think the Americans are out of real men
Rennen, du ihren Feigen Säue -> Go on and run you yellow-bellies  (Säue is plural of Sau; Sau = Sow)
Sie sind eine Haufen Feiglinge -> They're a bunch of cowards
Mach erst mal Schießübungen -> Come back when you've had some target practice
Bereit dich das nächsten Mal besser vor -> Come prepared next time
Probier es nochmal -> Try again
Französichen Schülerinnen schießen besser -> I've seen French schoolgirls shoot better
I didn't play MOHAA but I was a big part of 'Day of Defeat'. I was a moderator on the official Valve forums for DoD, under the username of 'Loco'. I was a member of a number of DoD clans playing in the Jolt League including =|TFS|= The Firing Squad.

Good times, happy memories from way back then! :D
Wow this brings back some fond memories of playing non stop MOHAA!

Some familiar names of players and clans in here!

I was in the following:

Clan: 6th Airborne
Game Type: UK Obj Realism
Game Name: The Jesus

We overtook H&K to grab the top spot on Clanbase after hammering them in back to back games :)
Spearhead [M.E.N] clan mpsh 3.0 obj , i wish they would bring it back was the best game ive ever played great people in the community , currently all chasing chicken dinners in pubg these days. Id love to be back with the one shot to the arse and the bash with a quick V52 to rub salt into the wounds :(
This has to be one of the most consistently bumped threads on the forum. :p

2007 > 2011 > 2014 > etc

Each time its a new poster who makes one post and leaves. :p
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