Which MoHAA Clan did you play for?

Well, after reading this thread I bought this again yesterday from GoG. It's still as awesome as ever and it's held up surprisingly well online. :)
Does anyone else remember the little bottleneck in the building entrance to the left in this pic? So much fun.

I used to play Spearhead for a clan called fcuk: and before that -{SoE}-. I do remember spending lots of time playing on the round-based server 4UK. Later on I played mainly Obj Realism on clanbase. Good times!
Oh this would be fun I have 3 guys who would be interested.

very interested you got voice comms and server?

Ye we have one server running TDM and OBJ maps and teamspeak3.

Server Name-SnS- Clan Server
Server IP

Teamspeak is
but can't give passsee in public.
I think I played in GBH as well with one dutch guy who was annoying some English guy called fingers organised it and a mate from my work at the time
I played in several and ran one of my own many many moons ago, but had most fun playing for {D.D} Dirty Dozen.

I reinstalled the game recently and tried a few servers, but for the life of me I can't find a proper team objective match that runs V2, bridge, hunt, st renen, LOL-V2 etc

Had so many nights of enjoyments on MOH-SH, and would still play if there was a decent server.
I installed it the other day, there is still eLF server who used to be.. I Can't remember but we played them in matches fairly often. Also TLF Server.
Only stopped playing last year we were then iV. | InnerVision | MoH

No 1. Europe TDM
No 1 UK
Top 10 in Europe

my tag was tox1c

:D ooo those were the days

Well holy crap .. lots of Mohaa players coming out of the woodwork! Remember me tox? I played a few times for iV, if I remember right you played for my clan, >DnC<? think you came over with wildfire.

all sorts, the main ones were..
Got a rep going on mohaa back in the day :cool:

Benji! you're KK's brother right? Ah |FuN| was great fun back in the day .. I still remember Anvil raging in his scottish voice everytime he got killed!

I was Sup3rn()va.^> back in the day.. played for a few clans, CHU, FatKidz, iV, |FuN|, UiC. Anyone remember Toffs Wars? They were great fun. Mohaa was awesome back in the day.
Old post but brings back some old memories. Has it really been that long.

Original NER clan member along with Delta, Bravo, Mike, Charlie, Xray, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Oscar the list goes on. Some great games against DD, DRM, AA, VSUK and some great public nights.

Unfortunately bigger isn't always better the fall of NER.

Mohaa Spearhead best game of its time.
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