Which mouse?

10 Feb 2010
I'm looking to spend around £30 on a mouse in my new build, and while everyone raves about the MX518, I don't think I'd be able to get over how, well, standard it looks (ignoring the bizzare dented design :D ).

At the moment, I'm quite taken by the Boomslang CE 2007, all the reviews I've found say it was great (bearing in mind written in 2007), and I'm pretty sure the 518 is about that old. I won't need anything higher than 1800DPi really, and the Boomslang looks a lot better than the other options at that price point, but I was wondering why people never recommend that? Also I was wondering why they still haven't reached the 10,000 "limited edition" mark yet for what seems to me like a fairly major release, was there a massive problem with them?

I'm also thinking about maybe a Saitek Cyborg V3 if anyone's tried those, obv. considering the MX518 (may just skin it myself if I can get a roll thin enough), the Abyssus and maybe even the Kova.

I'm mainly just wondering why the MX518 always seems to get mentioned and the Boomslang very rarely?
Lol ok I checked the link, but a) that's pretty expensive and b) DAMN that thing is ugly :D

It looks a bit too gamey for my liking, I'm not looking for insane performance, just better than a standard one and looks cool.

No opinions on the Boomslang?
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I was quite sceptical about getting the MX518. It looks better in real life so go along to a shop first so you can to see if you like it. Just played some tf2 and I managed 3 headshots, its a very comfortable mouse, feels as part of your hand!

So its a combination of comfort, price (I got mine for £25 delivered) and performance. Thats why MX518 is up there and is highly recommended. The boomslang is probably good enough as well, just that it looks quite flat?? The mx518 is also right hand specific!
I understand that the MX518 is a very good mouse, I just think it's kind of bland looking, especially compared to the Boomslang, which is surprising considering it's essentially a 11 year old design :D

I also use my mouse very close up to the monitor, so a flat mouse is actually perfectly fine.

It really seems like the Boomslang CE failed a bit to me? I've heard that the 518 is amazing enough times, but I really like the look of the Boomslang and it's just something different :D
I gotta be honest, the Death Adder looks cheaper than the Boomslang :D

I know the performance will be better, but I'm only really using it for casual AA3 with friends, then the rest right now is just very casual gaming (Dragon Age, Sims, Crysis single player, Sauerbraten LAN with friends) and some video editing, although I can use anything except a touchpad and I'm fine for editing.
which one? The Boomslang, the abyssus, or the death adder?

Bearing in mind whatever goes into my mouse budget comes out of the total build budget.
It really seems like there's a tiny user base for the Boomslang, especially compared to the MX518?

Conversely though I haven't heard any horror stories about it and given it's still very much more expensive in America it is still a decent mouse, even by today's standards, in the same way the MX518 is.

Was the 518 originally a high-end mouse that just gradually dropped in price over the years, because the Boomslang was a high-end mouse and is now becoming affordable,
The Boomslang always seemed to have a premium despite being no better than a Diamondback or Deathadder, so that could be why it's rarer. I'd highly recommend those two razer mice. Two of my friends prefer them over the mx518 they have tried.
Ah that explains it I guess. Seing as the Deathadder and diamondback are no longer available, do you reckon I should go with the Boomslang, or are there any opinions on the Abyssus, to me that seems too focused on gaming i.e. not having anything other than the 3 buttons, and I doubt I'll ever need 3200Dpi.

Has anyone tried the Saitek Cyborg V3 yet? It looks pretty cool, has a decent feature set, has 3200Dpi and is still the cheapest gaming mouse on oc?

At the moment it's mainly between the Boomslang and the Cyborg V3 for me, although it's almost certainly the Boomslang unless i hear of any huge problems with them.
Hmm I didn't realise the Diamondback 3g had stopped being made. That's a shame because it would have been the perfect alternative to the Boomslang.

Saying that, the Boomslang uses the same 3g infra red engine so it's bound to be good. And if you like the shape, then go for it. This site might be worth a look.
Razer mouse' do look cheap in the pics, but when u get one u realise the quality straight away. From the sturdy plastic, the way it glides and more importantly the way it sits under your hand. I cant fault them, and if you cant see one in the flesh to decide that then i suggest you do.
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