Which of these HD i should put OS in?

23 Apr 2006
I have serveral harddrive and can not decide which one is the best to put the Windows and program in and what partition should i divide.
I have several office programs and serval games like FEAR, HL2, Black and White 2, etc, i also would like to use one HD as a storage. I just happen to have many shows and movies (300 GB).

Here the drives i have

Samsung 200 GB SATA2 8mb
Samsung 250 GB SATA2 8mb
Samsung 400 GB SATA2 16mb

The 200 GB seems to be 5 C hotter than the 250.
I do not think I would benefit from RAID configeration
please advice me...
Tetras said:
Samsung 200 GB SATA2 8mb <-- Windows XP Super Big Install Edition™
Samsung 250 GB SATA2 8mb <-- Games
Samsung 400 GB SATA2 16mb <-- Storage

Sorted :D

Hmmm very interesting choice thank you.
I have few question regarding to you config.
1. Is it better to put the WinXP in 16mb 400GB sansung? Bigger buffer?
2. What is win XP super big install edition? If i want to get it from bittorrent what keyword should i use?

3.i found that my system load slower after i install my second HD (250), My first was the 200 GB.

4. What about partition the drive? any ideas?
[/QUOTE]3.i found that my system load slower after i install my second HD (250), My first was the 200 GB.
You shouldn't... how much slower are we talking?[/QUOTE]

With only one 200 GB HD, my start up take around 60 secs unitl it is ready.

Once i add another 250 GB HD, the start up time increse to nearly 120 secs.
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