Which of these HDD's for quietness?

18 Aug 2006
Just wondering if any of you guys can give me your opinions on the following HDD's for my new Conroe rig (quietness is important to me so no 7200.10 recommendations please):

Samsung T133S HD400LJ


Western Digital Caviar WD3200KS (SE16) / WD3200JS (SE)

I've read quite a few posts on both over at Silent PC Review but still can't make a decision either way so would like some experienced users opinions as well.

I'll be buying two of the drives and they'll be de-coupled using sewing elastic (so vibration will not be a problem).

Cheers :)
kayone said:
Agree'd - a hint on fanboyism occurring I see. Without a doubt I don't think it'll matter which you go for.

Have you tried searching the HDD Forum as there's quite a few threads on certain HDD manufacturers and their audibility.

Well considering I have two Seagates in my current rig (Barra V & 7200.8 SATA) I don't see how I could be a "fanboy" of another brand. I've read various sources and they all say that the 7200.10's are not quiet and also they are not cost effective over 320Gb (i.e. too expensive).

I've decided to go for two of the HD400LJ's at £169.56 all in. Two Seagate 7200.10's 400Gb would be £232.40, £62.84 difference!
kayone said:
I think you're confused. I wasn't directing my post directly at you, or at anyone for that matter. This is the type of thread which usually starts off a discussion on "This is better than that because.." fueled by whatever is in their machine at the current time.

Ah sorry matey, wrong end of stick methinks :D I do agree though that fanboy rants are irritating to say the least. I find researching for a while and going over the various "evidence" far more constructive than just listening to some guy who likes one thing rant at another who likes something else ad infinitum.
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