Which polish

Looking at Firestars post got me thinking- Phate, as the car is new the Auto Glym Extra Gloss protection might be worth giving a try if you want to put in a couple of hours bulling up your Astra. Would be time better spent than polishing already perfect paint.
NXT = isnt just a wax. Its a range of products such as their NXT car wash.

Oh and if you have just had a respray changes are they will have machined polished the car to HELL and your car will more than likely be full of holograms(visible in bright sunlight), so yes you may have to give it some treatment!
paradigm said:
Polish is an abrasive. If you car has been "protected" in any way with a paint protectant, you will be rubbing that off. If your car has been waxed, you will rub that off, and if your too harsh, you will start to take layers of paint (that are brand new and hence unblemished) off.

In theory yes but Id disagree that autoglym is harsh at all - I have light scratches on my roof which have been there for years and I polish it quite a lot. Guess what? The scratches havent moved at all.
Some of the Autoglym and Mer polishes are pretty abrasive, and the white residue that sometimes collects (especially visible on dark coloured cars) is chalk coming out of the polish.

I use the Meguiars 3 Part cleaning system. This consists of a paint cleaner (use every 6 months), low abrasive polish (use every 3) and wax use most times I clean the car. Its also worth trying a clay bar which removes contaminants from the paint and leaves it feeling glassy smooth.
NXT tech wax is a combined polish & sealant. It's cleaning abilities are very mild which is why you can layer it.

I use:

Pinnacle Ultra poly clay (doesnt strip wax)
Megs stage 1 paint cleaner (rarely, and only where needed)
Megs NXT tech wax paste, 2 layers
Pinnacle Souveran Carnuba Wax, when extra oomph is required

Washed the car last night and only used a lambswool mitt yet all the dead bugs just washed off the front (from a 100 mile drive at 70-80, 2 days previous). That's when you notice how much your paint is being protected.
Firestar_3x said:
Nope i use diff cloths and applicator pads for everything.


Not a polish, not abraisive like a polish its a sealer really to give a hard clear top coat ;)

Thats not super resin polish, thanks for confusing us all :p
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