Which pump (pump reservoir combo?!)

16 Jul 2020

I have the following plan:

2 x EK-CoolStream PE 360 (1 facing front, 1 facing top_
1 x EK-CoolStream XE 240 (1 at the bottom of the case)

1 x EK-Quantum Momentum ROG Strix X570-E
2 x EK-Quantum Vector Strix RTX 2080

I was trying to calculate the pressure based on the amount of 90 degrees I have in my hard tubing (and the fact that it's 10 OD tubes) but, seems that I can't figure this out. I have 15 90 degrees bends by mimimum.

First, I can't figure out why all the Res-combos are mostly D5s, also, I always thought DDC for this amount of bends should be prefered.

My plan is either fix the pump-res combo on the 3 fan rad facing front, or, to fix it standing on the 240 super thick rad that sits at the bottom... either way, I think I need a tall res due to the amount of liquid in the loop.

Do you think a D5 would suffice (or should I invest in a DDC and built it seperated) and if so... any suggestions which?

Any help will be appriciated.
the size of the res is just for aesthetic reasons, one ddc should be enough, EK has some ddc combo, you can buy separately a longer tube if you want. Also what case are you using?
Regarding: "the size of the res is just for aesthetic reasons", I actually thought that it'll help me to fill it up , or, maybe connect it to the filler port...
Case - FD Define R6
Regarding: "the size of the res is just for aesthetic reasons", I actually thought that it'll help me to fill it up , or, maybe connect it to the filler port...
Case - FD Define R6

no you can fill a loop with a 10mm res or a 30mm one, is the same, once all the components are filled, the liquid will go back to the res and you know your loop is filled, a bigger res will only make you fill the loop quicker
Inside a PC case, the height the pump has to push and the obstruction are well within the tolerances of either a D5 or a DDC. I've tried both and seen little to differentiate them. Some argue that DDC pumps are "loud" but I can't say I've ever noticed. Some argue that D5 are more reliable. I suspect that's hearsay and marginal at most.

Pick the looks you like and the price you can afford.
I am actually not sure if that res will fit in the R6.
The res alone is 30cm so you won't have a lot of room to work with.
What I meant was that the distance from the filling to the top of the res is shorter, but, yeah, I know the physics.

Which filling port are you talking about? Just unscrew one of the stop fittings on top of the res and fill from there? Or do you want to connect it to a filling port on top of the case?
First, I can't figure out why all the Res-combos are mostly D5s
The lower pressure of the D5 is generally thought to be better for general w/c builds, as there's less chance of blowing a fitting, especially if you're using clamped barbs... although it's not that likely an issue, generally.
The D5 is generally considered to be quieter.
The D5 generally runs cooler, while the DDC often requires additional heatsinks and so on.

Of course this is speaking generally, in general terms, about the general reputation among the general watercooling community that these pump types generally have... There are various variants of each type.
No offence your loop is nothing complicated either pump will work. I've used both.

Prefer D5 as quieter and being larger find it reassuring it may be working less hard.
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