Which Pump?

10 Apr 2006
Hi, so Im gathering the components for my watercooling setup, my Thermochill PA120.2 Rad and Grill arrived in the post today :D

I am pretty sure about what Blocks, res and tubing Im going to buy, but the only component I am undecided on is the pump.

Im going to be running a CPU block and VGA block, hopefully off very short runs on 1/2" tubing....I'd like a pump thats good enough for this job, and hopefully nice and quiet?

any of you wc gurus got any reccomendations? :)
Ok Im still undecided at the moment, Ive heard that the Aquaextreme 50z can be a bit on the noisey side, and nowhere has any of the DD5's in stock...

anyone have any comments on the 12v DDC Pro with the Plexi top? this is the one thats caught my eye so far...
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