Which Rainbow Six to buy?

18 Oct 2002
I got the original(?) back in 1998 + the addon pack Eagle watch.
Liked it, but it was quite basic (obviously). Never got any others after that, but I hear they're still good? Which is the best one to get?
It's called Iron Wrath and it's on Fileplanet. It my be on the Raven Shield Gold release (which incorporates Athena Sword) as a freebee, not sure.
Ok I got Raven Shield.
Trying to do one mission where you can't kill anyone, and no one can see you. In a penthouse or something.
Really tricky. I'm even using the pre-built plan, and i get to a staircase and it says hold alpha blah blah. But the trouble is I don't know what I'm holding for. Obviously I'm waiting for a time when no one can see me, but even using the heatbeat sensor I still don't really know. how far away these beats are. Usually someone sees me from behind at some point.
Did anyone else find this very frustrating?

The other missions are ok, you can flash 'em. Or let your other team members take the tangos out!
KingAdora said:
Ok I got Raven Shield.
Trying to do one mission where you can't kill anyone, and no one can see you. In a penthouse or something.
Really tricky. I'm even using the pre-built plan, and i get to a staircase and it says hold alpha blah blah. But the trouble is I don't know what I'm holding for. Obviously I'm waiting for a time when no one can see me, but even using the heatbeat sensor I still don't really know. how far away these beats are. Usually someone sees me from behind at some point.
Did anyone else find this very frustrating?

The other missions are ok, you can flash 'em. Or let your other team members take the tangos out!

I used the mission plan for this mission as well. The only trouble is in the area on the second floor with the square corridor. Once you find the bed room with the second comp in it equip the heartbeat sensor. The circle will be large and flash a lot if the enemy your looking at (through the wall/ closed door) is near. The circle will get smaller as the enemy walks away. I find it best to follow the guards path towards the stairs going up to the third floor as he never doubles back, just make sure you stay a safe distance behind.

The last area with the garden is simple, just use the heartbeat sesor on the door if the enemy isnt detected close (no big circle) crouch and open the door and take a sharp right and stay onl the right as you go through the garden (still crouched, fast). Once you out of the garden there are no more enemys and the mission will be complete. :)
Thanks for the tips! :)

I did once manage to get out into the garden and through a load of plants, and as I was going towards the wall it said I'd been spotted, but I coulnd't even see anyone! I guess I'll have to keep trying :o

Only time I've wished there was save games...
hehe My most challenging level was the last one on Iron Wrath, it is really, really hard but everytime you die you learn just that little bit more about the level and layout of the men. It makes the final completion all the more worth it after 40 attempts lol.

Damn I want to play again now! :D

I tried using the peek left/right keys, thinking i'd be able to check to see if a tango was coming or not. And the guy sees me straight away!
I even tried peeking enough so that I can't see the end of the hallway and waiting for him to come into my view - but the second i see his arm, he's already seen me.

Seems like a pointless function to me?
Well lockdown was a typical dumbed down of a classic name, better gfx, console gameplay.

Ravenshield is what you want for the Rainbow Six game.

Other then that the new one they are making on the consoles looks acctually pretty funky but I dont have a console, Rainbow Six Las Vagas I think.
KingAdora said:

I tried using the peek left/right keys, thinking i'd be able to check to see if a tango was coming or not. And the guy sees me straight away!
I even tried peeking enough so that I can't see the end of the hallway and waiting for him to come into my view - but the second i see his arm, he's already seen me.

Seems like a pointless function to me?

More useful for peaking and shooting rather than stealth and its covers most of your body from being shot.

Consoles will never get what Rainbow 6 is all about, its such a shame. R6 4 was beyond a joke and added with Deus Ex "2" is another example of how game developers think console players are all mindless kids who can't handle any complexity.
Hostile17 said:
More useful for peaking and shooting rather than stealth and its covers most of your body from being shot.

Consoles will never get what Rainbow 6 is all about, its such a shame. R6 4 was beyond a joke and added with Deus Ex "2" is another example of how game developers think console players are all mindless kids who can't handle any complexity.

i thought they were ? thats why they have pads instead of a keyboard and mouse... too many buttons makes them confused ;) ;)

ive pretty much given up on the r6 franchise now.. they have totally been overrun by console games, i seriously doubt vegas is going to be any better than lockdown :(


ps. keep playing the sneaky levels until ure so good u can have a ai player follow your waypoints and complete the level... thats how the pr0's do it :D if ** so good at the planning stage that even the ai can do the mission then you must be good :D
DJammyRasta said:
i thought they were ? thats why they have pads instead of a keyboard and mouse... too many buttons makes them confused ;) ;)


At least we'll always have Raven Shield its just a shame not many people play Atena Sword Online as they have some of the best maps! (Boat, Subway, that really small Snow level).

I remember last year we all had some OCUK games (Me, Jammy, Nieldo, Stellios et al) and we even took on some clans and won!. :)
Rogue spear was by far the best in rainbowsix series, they need to make another one with exactly the same system but with a new graphics engine... now that would be one immense game.
KingAdora said:
Trying to do one mission where you can't kill anyone, and no one can see you. In a penthouse or something.

I sorta cheated on that one. I threw smoke grenades all around the place so the guards didn't see me. Funnily enough, the smoke didn't bother them enough to set off any alarms. :D
Raven Shield is a brilliant game. Loved the single player missions and online was pretty good.

EDIT: I hate that damn Penthouse mission :mad: :D
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