Which Router for small business

Can’t do a route based VPN on a pfSense box for some reason probably relating to the limitations of the package version that is bundled.
Just read up on route based VPN for pfSense - Looks like they dropped support when they moved over to StrongSWAN. That's a bummer as overall it's fantastic software for the most part. Although looks like they are dropping support for older CPU's that don't support AES-NI in 2.5.
Honestly I wouldn't buy Draytek. I made that mistake. Some of them have really confusing user interfaces and the support is non-existant. They used to be good, but they aren't any more. Now I would always rate support higher than anything else.

Draytecs are a bit of a weird one, they are fully featured budget devices aimed at the smaller end of the market, but you need to have a full understanding of there networking terminology to actually do anything useful with them, something a lot of there target audience is likely to lack! I guess that's why Unifi are making such good progress in this market.
I'd still class them as rock solid devices for smb's and little remote offices if your skillset can offset there low buy in cost but if you have the capex available look elsewhere
Draytecs are a bit of a weird one, they are fully featured budget devices aimed at the smaller end of the market, but you need to have a full understanding of there networking terminology to actually do anything useful with them, something a lot of there target audience is likely to lack! I guess that's why Unifi are making such good progress in this market.
I'd still class them as rock solid devices for smb's and little remote offices if your skillset can offset there low buy in cost but if you have the capex available look elsewhere

I agree. When I came in to contact with a Draytek I had to ask where everything was because the layout was just so bad. Seems to me that if you have to ask there is something wrong!
I agree. When I came in to contact with a Draytek I had to ask where everything was because the layout was just so bad. Seems to me that if you have to ask there is something wrong!

It’s a bit weird, sure... but it’s 100x easier than trying to learn Juniper’s command line on your own.

Found Juniper so much more difficult than Cisco.
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