Which RPG - Sacred or Divine Divinity

8 Jul 2005
Which RPG is the better, Sacred or Divine Divinity. I never finished both of these games even though I recall enjoying both of them. I never did reinstall them after a re-build. I cannot remember which one I enjoyed more. Which of them has the most depth. Sacred appears to have better graphics and Divinity has a higher score at Gamespot.

Any advice.
Just as well DD is coming out tops as I could not find my copy of Sacred - must have sold it a while back. I loaded up DD last night and only had time to play for ten minutes. Graphics are old school with the isometric view and all. The music and sound is good and I will try the combat tonight.

I bought The Temple of Elemental Evil off EBay for £1.50 (inc delivery) and was playing it over the weekend. Might be a bit to difficult for me, plus it is a bit jerky when I scroll the play area. This is annoying for a game with mostly pre-rendered graphics.

Any good older RPG's you guys can recommend as the old top down games are becoming rare, and contrary to popular opinion better than the first person dummy games. (except for Gothic1&2)
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