Which SATA Port?

26 Oct 2004
Up North
Hi, I'm running a single 200GB WD on a EPOX 9NPA+Ultra. I'm currently running it on port 3 as this appears as the top port in the POST. However I've heard that drives perform quicker on differnt ports. Is this true? I've jumped from ATA100 to SATA2 and to be honest I can't notice any difference! Device manager states that its running at 3G so I don't think the cable has anything to do with it (one bundled with mobo). Am I just expecting too much?
Probably you are expecting too much yes, the drives are based on the same basic technology as the older IDE and unless you are shifting large quantities of files around then you are unlikely to see the benefits of the additional bandwidth.

You can try swapping the ports around but I doubt you will see much of a difference, if you do can you post back about it :)
scaramanga I have the Epox 9NPA+ Ultra as well and am running my SATA 2 Hitachi Deskstar on port 4, have not tried the others but I doubt that there would be much difference. I also changed from an old IDE and have not seen any difference apart from benchmarks, average transfer rate up a tiny bit, burst rate almost doubled and access time gone down 1ms -woohoo!
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