Which should I buy?

Not necessarily.

What other free roaming RPG offers a storytelling experience of the same high quality as Witcher 3 does?

You are missing my point, that is what "you" think, other people may think other games have a better experience. I think Witcher 3 is totally amazing in every single way, I think the story and the way it is being told is incredible but that does not mean other people will think the same way and it also does not make me right, although I am ;)
Not necessarily.

What other free roaming RPG offers a storytelling experience of the same high quality as Witcher 3 does?

This is what is so astounding about the Witcher 3. You can just literally ride off on Plötze (Roach), totally ignoring the main quest, and Game of Thrones grade 'adventures n stories' will occur. And then when you actually get around to following the main quests, things just get even better. Witcher 3 feels pretty close to being an interactive Game of Thrones, where no matter where you go, some form of high grade narrative will be there to meet you. There has been literally nothing quite like this in the history of video gaming. Witcher 3 is a first in that respect and whether you prefer GTA V, or if RPGs aren't really your cup of tea, there can't be any arguments about that. My favourite RPG of all time remains Gothic II and I would even say that I was more immersed in Gothic III (with community patch) than I am in Witcher 3, but there is no denying that Witcher 3 represents a very significant milestone in video gaming.

With that said, I am only level 9, and I am reading lots of complaints from people at level 20+, who are complaining about severe balancing issues.....so perhaps it is the case that CDPR have ploughed all their resources into ensuring the start of the game (the part that will generate all the post-launch hype) is phenomally rich in well balanced content, at the expense of later phases of the game being not very well balanced or indeed, a bit threadbare on content. Time will tell.

I too am a very big fan of the game but there are annoyances with it and it's not perfect by any means. You have began to mention these towards the end of your post. If the OP is asking for our opinions then people have to be reasonable and give them all the information.

As I mentioned earlier if the OP is more into multiplayer games then this has been a very pointless thread.
You are missing my point, that is what "you" think, other people may think other games have a better experience. I think Witcher 3 is totally amazing in every single way, I think the story and the way it is being told is incredible but that does not mean other people will think the same way and it also does not make me right, although I am ;)

Well that is the age old 'one man's meat is another man's posion'.

I think one of the very best games ever made to this date, is Bombjack. An arcade game from 1984. If I could have either Bombjack (128Kb file) installed on my laptop or say Crysis 3, CoD, Far Cry 2, I would chose Bombjack, because I am likely to get far more entertainment value out of it than any of these other games I mentioned (and many more I could mention).

However, what is clear and cannot be argued about, is that Crysis 3 is a far greater technical accomplishment than Bombjack and obviously represents massive advancements in the way that video games are done.

No matter whether TW3 is to your distinct tastes or not, it cannot be argued that CDPR are doing certain things, way better and way more advanced than has ever been done before.

edit: (unless it falls apart in a total mess after level 10)
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I have both and I'm enjoying both games for their own reasons but there can only be one and for me that is.....

GTA 5 without a doubt, easily the best game in a good few years and it has really raised the bar for gaming in general. The amount of detail put into the game world is just astonishing, no one area is the same, the graphics and physics are immense, there is so much to do, I could list a hundred reasons to play gta 5.

Lets just say I have never had as much "fun" in a game before and the MP side is even more fun when you play with friends.
I have both and I'm enjoying both games for their own reasons but there can only be one and for me that is.....

GTA 5 without a doubt, easily the best game in a good few years and it has really raised the bar for gaming in general. The amount of detail put into the game world is just astonishing, no one area is the same, the graphics and physics are immense, there is so much to do, I could list a hundred reasons to play gta 5.

Lets just say I have never had as much "fun" in a game before and the MP side is even more fun when you play with friends.

I have both and I'm enjoying both games for their own reasons but there can only be one and for me that is.....

GTA 5 without a doubt, easily the best game in a good few years and it has really raised the bar for gaming in general. The amount of detail put into the game world is just astonishing, no one area is the same, the graphics and physics are immense, there is so much to do, I could list a hundred reasons to play gta 5.

Lets just say I have never had as much "fun" in a game before and the MP side is even more fun when you play with friends.



TBH, forget about gta5 and tw3 as there will be a game coming out next month that will end all games.......

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I have both and I'm enjoying both games for their own reasons but there can only be one and for me that is.....

GTA 5 without a doubt, easily the best game in a good few years and it has really raised the bar for gaming in general. The amount of detail put into the game world is just astonishing, no one area is the same, the graphics and physics are immense, there is so much to do, I could list a hundred reasons to play gta 5.

Lets just say I have never had as much "fun" in a game before and the MP side is even more fun when you play with friends.


It's funny how that "same old game" manages to outdo W3 visually and in terms of overall polish, with a world that is truly open (also vertically) and not separated into hubs, without messages saying you've reached the end of the map popping up in places that should've been easily accesible;p On top of that, it runs better as well and is a lot less clunky. Yeah, it's still the same formula only bigger and better but then again, what has W3 done that is so revolutionary? It's just a significantly bigger, slightly less visually impressive W2.

GTA5 might not have the sheer amount of content W3 has but I really think it's the more impressive of the two when it comes to minute details. Needless to say, I drove everywhere in GTA 5 and rarely ever used a taxi whereas in W3 I resort to fast travel whenever I can because the only transportation at my disposal happens to be a chore. Besides, I'm mostly going to travel through fields of cardboard, occasionally reaching villages where I can have a somewhat meaningful conversation with only one person;p I've maybe put 8-10 hours into the game but I can already see where it's headed and no way in hell am I going to bother doing everything it has to offer. Side quests are great but riding across Velen on my glitching equine friend is already getting slightly tedious.

It's a great game, I agree on that, but it's not quite up there with GTA5 when it comes to the astonishing level of detail and polish, be it physics, textures, water, weather effects done on map that has so many moving elements etc. and all those come a long way in creating an illusion of a living, breathing world.

I'm not an avid gamer but GTA 5 has really sucked me in and after finishing the story I still find roaming the world and doing stupid **** weirdly attractive;p The last game to do that to me was Yakuza 4 on PS3 and that says a lot;p Otherwise I wouldn't bother commenting;p

It's funny how that "same old game" manages to outdo W3 visually and in terms of overall polish, with a world that is truly open (also vertically) and not separated into hubs, without messages saying you've reached the end of the map popping up in places that should've been easily accesible;p On top of that, it runs better as well and is a lot less clunky. Yeah, it's still the same formula only bigger and better but then again, what has W3 done that is so revolutionary? It's just a significantly bigger, slightly less visually impressive W2.

GTA5 might not have the sheer amount of content W3 has but I really think it's the more impressive of the two when it comes to minute details. Needless to say, I drove everywhere in GTA 5 and rarely ever used a taxi whereas in W3 I resort to fast travel whenever I can because the only transportation at my disposal happens to be a chore. Besides, I'm mostly going to travel through fields of cardboard, occasionally reaching villages where I can have a somewhat meaningful conversation with only one person;p I've maybe put 8-10 hours into the game but I can already see where it's headed and no way in hell am I going to bother doing everything it has to offer. Side quests are great but riding across Velen on my glitching equine friend is already getting slightly tedious.

It's a great game, I agree on that, but it's not quite up there with GTA5 when it comes to the astonishing level of detail and polish, be it physics, textures, water, weather effects done on map that has so many moving elements etc. and all those come a long way in creating an illusion of a living, breathing world.

I'm not an avid gamer but GTA 5 has really sucked me in and after finishing the story I still find roaming the world and doing stupid **** weirdly attractive;p The last game to do that to me was Yakuza 4 on PS3 and that says a lot;p Otherwise I wouldn't bother commenting;p

I'm not an avid gamer but GTA 5 has really sucked me in and after finishing the story I still find roaming the world and doing stupid **** weirdly attractive;p The last game to do that to me was Yakuza 4 on PS3 and that says a lot;p Otherwise I wouldn't bother commenting;p

I enjoyed and have completed both GTA V and Witcher 3.

The biggest differences outside of the main story is that GTA V is just doing random chaos, messing around. The side quests, and random activities in Witcher 3 are much more fleshed out. There are proper quests and random encounters that have their own story lines and what you do in these have a real impact on the world, it's much more than just messing around.

Yes it's fun to blow everything up, rob stores, go to the military base, you basically have to make your own fun in GTA V. Personally I could not do that for more than a few hours at a time. I could easily get lost in the Witcher 3 (outside of the main story) for a long time, and I would also be able to see my actions have an effect on the game world.

I personally think Witcher 3 is the ground breaking game and will be a becnmark for future RPG games. I don't feel that way about GTA V, but that may partly be because I have been playing Witcher 3 recently so it's fresh in mind, I haven't played GTA V for a while, despite owning it on PC.

They are very different games. They are both good. Get both ;)
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I enjoyed and have completed both GTA V and Witcher 3.

The biggest differences outside of the main story is that GTA V is just doing random chaos, messing around. The side quests, and random activities in Witcher 3 are much more fleshed out. There are proper quests and random encounters that have their own story lines and what you do in these have a real impact on the world, it's much more than just messing around.

Yes it's fun to blow everything up, rob stores, go to the military base, you basically have to make your own fun in GTA V. Personally I could not do that for more than a few hours at a time. I could easily get lost in the Witcher 3 (outside of the main story) for a long time, and I would also be able to see my actions have an effect on the game world.

I personally think Witcher 3 is the ground breaking game and will be a becnmark for future RPG games. I don't feel that way about GTA V, but that may partly be because I have been playing Witcher 3 recently so it's fresh in mind, I haven't played GTA V for a while, despite owning it on PC.

They are very different games. They are both good. Get both ;)

The thing is, you're comparing an RPG to a sandbox action game. Of course the W3 will be a lot more fleshed out in terms of side quests etc. but I'm talking solely about the pleasure of roaming about the world.

I feel GTA5 is still more detailed and visually appealing, despite being the "same old game" as some want to call it. I don't feel Witcher 3 is in any way groundbreaking. If GTA5 isn't, then how can W3 be? All of this has been done before, only on a lesser scale. As I said, it's a great RPG game (one of the greatest perhaps) with a big world, some repetitive scenery/quests, a couple of annoying quirks and a huge amount of tedious horse riding.

Both are brilliant games but in terms of detail put into the world and its technical prowess I still think GTA5 has the edge, despite the map being a lot busier than the world in W3. And it still has a very nice story, lots of side activities and an absorbing multiplayer mode.

Answering the OP's question: I'd get both anyways;p

EDIT: Just to hammer the point home;p:



And this is not even PC footage;p
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I think we've answered the OP, get both!

Yep, both is the way. The second video is quite impressive (the first is a trailer) but GTAV has a lot more stuff going at the same time, I can't believe this is practically in-game running on PS4 (only 720p though):


Someone should do a timelapse of the PC version maxed with Project True Reality SweetFX profile and traffic/population density beyond max values, looks significantly better. I still think the game's lighting/weather is unparalled among open world titles, although W3 is also looking great at times, better than all those screenshots led us to believe.

Enough with this banter;p OP, get both!;p
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