It is something of a consistent opinion that I have read on multiple forums, so "utter rubbish" I think it is not. Nikon new FF mirrorless camera is F-mount of course, but it also looks like an under-featured job from what little I have read that is available so far, no EVF and highly doubtful any serious competition for a DSLR, never mind the Sony.
That is only one possible camera out of an entire line up if FF mirrorless cameras. You seriously basing your opinions on a vague rumour of one possible model that hasn't been announced?
And how come you have compeltely changed your mind on the future of the Nikon F-mount:
I see no far future in the Nikon F-mount system as it seems from all I've read that it's unsuited to being converted to mirrorless systems
Nikon new FF mirrorless camera is F-mount of course
So what do you actually believe, you are completely contradicting yourself.
If you have read consistent opinions of your former preposition then I would love to links to any sources. However, it is patently an absurd notion. Can you provide 1 single reason why the Nikon F-mount is "unsuited to being converted to mirrorless systems"? It is just as suited as any other mount, just as much as the Canon EF mount.
Thanks Raymond, sometimes I think I'm alone in reacting to D.P's pseudo-authoritative blanket assumptions/statements.
Raymond has made a completely irrelevant statement to what you originality stated, he isn't supporting you here, you are entirely alone. Raymond has merely pointed out that tyhe Cnaon EF mount hasn't changed since 1987, that says absolutely nothing about how the F-mount is "
unsuited to being converted to mirrorless systems"
It is also clear than Nikons lenses, as you say, do not adapt to the Sony half as well as the Canon range (though both are not perfect solutions even in best scenarios).
More rubbish I'm afraid. nikon have absolutely no responsibility to make sure their lenses work on a Sony camera, so there is simply no data there to base an option on. Luckily we do have objective evidence in the Form of the Nikon 1 system, which has an adapter for Nikon F-mount that works far better than any of the other mount adapters out there and is one of the big selling points of the Nikon 1.
Sony have really pushed the boundaries with their Sony AR7 II and it is only a generation or two, and some increased battery life, away from being a real high-end DSLR killer for many people. If Nikon can't bring something out to compete with that then I will really consider migrating.
At last soemthign I can agree with. the important thing to note is Sony still isn't there yet, the technology still isn't mainstream for replacing a DSLR. no Mirrorless camera has focusing as fast as a top end DSLr, no EVF is as good an OPV yet, and actually the Sony EVF is still a long way from being the best
There is a good chance that Nikon and Canon will be using technology like this in their upcoming mirrorless offerings. That could put them well ahead of Sony.