Poll: Which to choose?

Which to choose?

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Depends what you have now. I have a GTX970 and an iPhone 11 Pro so I’d get the graphics card.
But then my motherboard wouldn’t run the card I don’t think. So I’d get the phone.
Ultimately I’d not get either and go on holiday.
surely depends what you want / need.
personally i refuse to spend over £150 - (maybe £200 absolute tops) on a phone, its a utility device and essentially anything over £100 can do everything i would ever want and more.

OTOH as a gamer and it being my primary hobby i dont mind going above and beyond on a gpu. So despite having a cheaper phone (moto G8 power) i have a rtx 3090 gpu (not buying a 4090 either mind you)

truth is i would not buy a top of the line gpu any more either........ i only got a 3090 as i knew i had a good chance of coving its cost mining. that is no longer the case however
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Needs more info. What phone do you currently have and what is the spec of your current PC?
Depends if I had a phone or a card already. As an iPhone 12 Max Pro user, I don't need a phone upgrade. If I had been the owner of a 3xxx series GPU, I wouldn't get a 4xxx. Hard to really do a poll on this.
surely depends what you want / need.
personally i refuse to spend over £150 - (maybe £200 absolute tops) on a phone, its a utility device and essentially anything over £100 can do everything i would ever want and more.

OTOH as a gamer and it being my primary hobby i dont mind going above and beyond on a gpu. So despite having a cheaper phone (moto G8 power) i have a rtx 3090 gpu (not buying a 4090 either mind you)

truth is i would not buy a top of the line gpu any more either........ i only got a 3090 as i knew i had a good chance of coving its cost mining. that is no longer the case however
So much for saving the planet. :p
You do realise you have asked this question on a computer forum not a mobile phone forum?

Think it's safe to say gfx will get most votes, especially compared to an IFail
So much for saving the planet. :p
i cant control what other do, only what i did....... The only waste from gpu mining on my gaming pc is heat, the gpu ittself, well i wanted a nice one anyway and was unable to get hold of a 3080... i needed that heat anyway in winter as it kept my home office warm(ish) whilst i wfh. - thanks to that i didnt need to use my electric heater altho still needed a water bottle on occaison. i also dried clothes in there over night.

in the summer months, it was powered via solar (and when it got too hot i stopped)

so personally my conscience is clear ;)

***perhaps not, maybe that is just man maths to justify it... but either way i got a free 3090 and still didnt use more energy than previous years.
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