Which were your favourite magazines back in the day?

17 Jan 2016
Valley of Jade
After watching this interesting video by the RetroCollective about the history of Amiga Format it got me wondering what magazines did you used to rush to buy, either mail order subscription or standing at the gaming magazines section in WHSmith, Boots, or another newsagent shop?

For me I had as my main machines at different points in my youth a C64, Amiga 500, and eventually I moved to the dark side and joined the emerging PC scene.

The magazines I aimed to buy each month (though I did buy others if my pocket money allowed it);

Zapp!64 for the C64.
Amiga Format for the Amiga.
PC Format for the PC.
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ZZap!64 and C+VG.

Still remember getting a flexi record attached to a Zzap with tunes from Rob Hubbard on it :cool:
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I still subscribe to PC Pro which will be almost 26 years on reading it every month!

Back in the day it was CU Amiga and Amiga Shopper I read most the PC Format, PC Gamer, PC Zone before settling on PC Pro with the odd GamesTM subscription
CRASH for the Spectrum

Amiga Format, Amiga Power & CU Amiga :)

I don’t remember really having a preference for PC…

Though saying that, I’d read any of them if they ended up in front of me :p
Subs to:
The One (Amiga).
PC Zone.

I used to pick up the odd copy of CVG, Amiga Format, CU Amiga, EGM, Nintendo Magazine, from time to time.
Good times :)
Had a CVG subscription for a few years in the PS1/early PS2 era, was never as good after that though in my opinion.
Can still just about tell you what was in those issues cover to cover just from the cover image!
For several years I had every issue monthly of PC Zone, Computer Shopper, Acorn User and another RISC OS magazine I can't remember the name of now. Used to hang out with the PC Zone staff on IRC for several years as well.
Subscribed to Custom PC a while ago, used their 'how to build a pc' edition/guide to help me with my first either upgrade of the family pc or my own can't remember now!
Same. I think it was upgrading the RAM and putting a second HDD in our first family PC, an off the shelf job from Tiny Computers.
Same. I think it was upgrading the RAM and putting a second HDD in our first family PC, an off the shelf job from Tiny Computers.
Was crysis that got me to upgrade, new gpu and psu, still couldn't really run it but it led me to get really into tweaking settings and overclocking to try and get better performance which then led me into the more extreme side of overclocking so no regrets!
Mean Machines and CVG were my main magazines back in the day, but i used to get the odd issue of US mags Game Fan and EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly).
My first was PCW (Personal Computer World) back in '78. Unless ETI counts (Electronics Today International) as they did publish circuit diagrams for a SBC with BASIC in ROM
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Crash was the go to magazine for me on the Spectrum. I even managed to get my photo in there once!
Then moved to Amiga Format with a very brief forray with ST Format.

Once I moved to PC I didn't really buy many magazines, dipped in & out of a couple such as Custom PC & PC Format
Popular Computing Weekly, back in the early days of micros was essential reading. You can now read it via archive.org and it's a fascinating step back in time, as you can see how the industry developed over time. As with most old magazines the adverts are the most fascinating, especially the early ones.

Also ZZap! 64 was the best and my favourite C64 magazine. I actually got to meet the team at a computer show and competed against Julian Rignall in Pitstop 2 (I lost!).
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