White iphone

28 Dec 2002
Northern Ireland
Hi Guys,
Im heading down to my local Apple store on Tuesday to buy the 3gs and i was thinking of maybe buying the white one? I currently have the black 3G and have loved it ever since i have got it.

I have read a few reviews saying people wish they would have got the white one as it adds a bit of personality but i cant find any reviews as to how clean the white would stay?

Does anyone on here have one and what do you think
I think it looks class to be honest but im just worried about it loosing its color or getting really dirty. I really look after all my technology so it shouldnt really be a problem but i just wanted to get your views.

I went into the Apple store yesterday to have a look/play with one as I'm still deciding whether or not to get one and I was quite surprised how nice the white one looked in the flesh as I thought it looked horrible from pictures/videos.
I'd still go with the black though.
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Perhaps another reason why you shouldn't get one, besides looking like a total Apple fanboy!

seen that earlier but its the first time i have heard about that happening, i think the owner has done something stupid.

I have not seen one in the flesh but i am heading down to the apple store today to have a look.
My wife has the white and I was originally going to get the black to help differentiate, but I've succumbed: I just prefer the look of the white one. To me, black and shiny = tacky. If it was matte then I would get the black in a heartbeat.
I personally prefer the black, but got the white 3GS as there were no blacks left in stock at the time, plus I figure it's going to spend most of its life in a skin/case so I'll never even see the white anyway.

Still, after comparing the white 3GS to my black 3G I definitely prefer the black:


Anyway, as for the actual question, my friends who bought the white 3G still have pretty clean white looking phones. It doesn't seem to have discoloured for them, yet ;)
I personally prefer the black, but got the white 3GS as there were no blacks left in stock at the time, plus I figure it's going to spend most of its life in a skin/case so I'll never even see the white anyway.

Still, after comparing the white 3GS to my black 3G I definitely prefer the black:


Anyway, as for the actual question, my friends who bought the white 3G still have pretty clean white looking phones. It doesn't seem to have discoloured for them, yet ;)

it also doesn't show up fine scratches as much as the black will.
I've got the white one, thought it looked nicer. Keep it in a case all the time anyway to avoid any scratches.
Hi Guys,
Went to the Apple store this morning and bought the 16gb white iPhone 3G S. I must say it looks amazing, the white completely changes the phone in my eyes.

I bought the phone as PAYG and was not aware that i had to top up with £10 before i even left the apple store. i didnt read anything about it online, has anyone else heard anything about this???
I have a black 3G and fancy a change and got the white, I have to admit it looks class! But that's probably just because it's a change.

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