White knight build update time

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3way SLI GTX Titan ?

This will be one beast of a machine... £££££'s and it's looking sweet :)
stunning build dude really coming along nicely

image quote hidden in the spoiler (hope this is OK :D)
This Looks like a smooth EK back plate :eek: I can only find the ones with the circles all over it there popular but not my taste. Can I ask what manufacturing code is if you know? or a link to it (careful about linking competitors) I was worried I was going to have to mill down the back plate to get a smooth finish for my project

Stock coolers OFF! a shame
makes you wonder how many naked titans are out there with unused and unwanted stocks just gathering dust. Why don't they sell them with the option simply not having the stocks?
I've really enjoyed reading this thread, it's a fantastic build. I just wish I had the cash and the patience to do a build like this myself.
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