White Knight - Lian Li Q08 Watercooled Build

Here is a quick mock up of the tubing, wont be using white just had some lying around from a previous build. Still dont think there is enought room to put a gpu block on the card.

Excellent work! Coming on a treat! :cool:

Regarding the GPU - is it that the space is limited down the side of the card and that a full cover block would stick out the side and interfere with the res?

If that's the case then would a core only block work better?

This is amazing. I know SFF builds are hard to do as i used a Lian Li V351. Watercooling in a rig this size is an impressive feat.
I can't wait to see it doing its thing! :)
Have fitted everything apart from the ssd. Again the flash makes the psu braiding look shiney but its not. Need to tidy the wires up a bit but there is no cable management in this case so i will need to be creative!


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