Who are your favourite photographers?

Off my head...

Lara Jade
The image is Found
Jessica Claire
Cliff Mautner
Jose Villa
Ross Harvey
Duncan Kerridge
Marianne Taylor
Tim Chin
Adam Robertson
Chase Jarvis (some people hate him for some reason!)
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I don't really have a favourite photographer. I always find that a persons style changes quite often, and I only like certain looks/styles over certain photographers. Obviously that means I change my mind all the time :D

Then you'll like this. :)

I like looking at the work of Elliott Erwitt and Bob Martin does some very nice sports work as well. I can't say I really follow photographers as such.
I also like Zack Arias, more for his views and style of writing about photography than his work.

I found a French photographer called Laurent Nivalle recently, his Le Mans Classic series are really well shot and edited - http://laurentnivalle.fr/_LMC2012.html

As mentioned Elliott Erwitt's street photography is good too.

David Burnett, this guy was shooting the Olympics with a medium format film camera, sat between all the other guys with big white L lenses. http://www.davidburnett.com/portfolio.html?folio=Galleries
David Burnett, this guy was shooting the Olympics with a medium format film camera, sat between all the other guys with big white L lenses. http://www.davidburnett.com/portfolio.html?folio=Galleries

Think I might have seen him down by the Mall during one of the road races. Saw a guy who looks like him walking about with a medium format camera, which certainly stuck out compared to most.

One not mentioned yet that I like the work of is Natalie Dybisz aka Miss Aniela.

Love some of the surreal work she does by blending images.
I've got both her books and have been thinking about doing one of her workshops.
Joe McNally> without doubt the very best photographer that walks the planet. A technical genius and with an artistic eye to match.

I love the work of

Jay Maisel
Frank Dorhoff
Zach Arias
Joel Grimes

Like Nexus, I love Miss Aniela's work and have her book, very creative work.

I love the simplistic style an approach of Cliff Mautner, truly inspirational.

I've only just spotted this. I know Matt as he is..... draws breath......
My wife's best friends brother-in-laws wifes brother!

He's a really nice bloke and he even sat down with me at wife's best friends wedding where he was togging to give me a an impromtu flash tutorial during 30 mins of his down time.
Joe Cornish and Mark Denton spring to mind straightaway, there are a lot more i could list but those are always the books i love looking through for inspiration.
James Nachtwey
Bruce Davidson
Garry Winogrand
David Bailey
Richard Avedon
Sebastio Salgado
Daido Moriyama (only in small doses, though I'm super gutted that I missed his photocopy photobook session earlier this month)
Edward Burtynsky
Darren Heath
Elliot Erwitt
William Eggleston (again, in small doses)

Internet peeps:
Severin Koller
Rinzi Ruiz
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