Who are your favourite photographers?

Yet most people who are so wrapped up in the technical/equipment element of things will instantly rubbish a shot because it's not perfectly in focus.

Indeed... Many years back my wife and I went to see a Cartier-Bresson exhibition, and I was struck be the lack of formal technical considerations... what they lack (if you can call it that) is far outweighed by what they do have, which is soul, and that is much more important... So many images look technically perfect, but are dry and sterile.

Lots of names I've not come across above, so it will be very interesting looking at some new work.
Can anyone recommend me some photographers (they don't have to be super famous, I'll take Flickr/500px users!) that do really good landscape or cityscape photography that's either gritty/dark/atmospheric? That only stuff I can find like that is Urbex stuff which although great, isn't really my cup of tea.

I'm thinking stuff like this look (one I took at Yorkshire Sculpture Park):

I started taking photography a little more serious than a usual when I was told that my photos were actually quite good! - This is because I used to see and read articles in Sunday newspaper magazines or visiting websites such as this. Now that I feel more confident in using a camera outside preset/auto modes, I try to take photos that are more artistic and have my individual 'twist' on it.
Those that inspire me are:
Ansel Adams
Joe Cornish
Ross Hoddinott
Local photographers and artists in North Wales ( Sir Kyffryn Williams, Richard Outram, Kris Williams, Glyn Jones, Teri Owens)
And mostly you guys on this forum.
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