Why would I want to try it when a knife does the job?
Do you use scissors to cut vegetables/salad/meat as well?
You answer my second question and I will answer yours.
When I was in Italy they sold half-pizzas rolled up as a lunch time sandwich type thing. They were very very nice.
True story.
Scissors are good for cutting all sorts of kitchen stuff.
read it and weep
But I use them for cutting Chicken breasts up for stir frying and I also use em for Pizza.
Winnar!I hereby decree that scissors are the most effective method of dividing a pizza into segments by means of cutting.
So you had calzone? Check you out!
So you had calzone? Check you out!
Scissors are good for cutting all sorts of kitchen stuff.
read it and weep
But I use them for cutting Chicken breasts up for stir frying and I also use em for Pizza.