Who cuts Pizza with Scissors?

This thread has left me staring open-mouthed at the screen. Scissors over a pizza cutter/knife? Really? If you can't use a pizza cutter to effectively cut a pizza I really hope you don't drive a car.

Just ...
I hereby decree that scissors are the most effective method of dividing a pizza into segments by means of cutting.

When I was in Italy they sold half-pizzas rolled up as a lunch time sandwich type thing. They were very very nice.

True story.

So you had calzone? Check you out!
Scissors are good for cutting all sorts of kitchen stuff.

read it and weep



But I use them for cutting Chicken breasts up for stir frying and I also use em for Pizza. :D

Onions? Leafy salad? Cucumber?

Do you use scissors with a fork instead of a knife and fork? If not, why not?

I can't try pizza scissors because a) I don't have any appropriate scissors and b) I'm staying away from pizza :p
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For Pizza, normally a large sharp kitchen knife does it quickly and easily and I know where that is unlike my proper pizza cutter :)

Scissors are good for cutting all sorts of kitchen stuff.

read it and weep



But I use them for cutting Chicken breasts up for stir frying and I also use em for Pizza. :D

I do use scissors for that (and it does make it very easy). Also use them for chopping up spring onions.
I'm amazed at the level of emotion this issue seems to induce. Everyone's posting along the lines of 'only idiots use scissors' and 'omg when I see people using pizzas cutters I'm like wtf', is there no half way house to this thing?

I barely even notice what people use to cut their pizzas, and if I did I would barely bat an eyelid whether they used their pizza cutter or their nail clippers.
Sharp knife or just eat it with a knife and fork. Unless the scissors were specifically bought for that purpose and kept clean I'd just have issues with the cheese and sauce getting into the hinge bit and sitting for years. Really not a fan of using scissors for cooking for that reason.
I do!! :D

Most people were shocked when they saw it on Geordie Shore (i know, sorry), and I was confused what the amazement was all about.
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