Who has the most expensive steam account

Over the last 11 years, you've spent 2285.4 hours playing this selection, which includes 429 items, is valued at $6648.09, and requires 1941.3 GB

To think, I'm not sure it actually tracks stuff played in offline mode properly
At least it certainly never used to

Don't judge me damn it! :D
Over the last 10 years, you've spent 2808 hours playing this selection, which includes 251 items, is valued at $4908.39, and requires 1851 GB.

I gave my first account to one of my daughters so she is 9 and her steam account is 12 years old, hehe
Over the last 11 years, you've spent 3471.4 hours playing this selection, which includes 1326 items, is valued at $19213.7, and requires 5688.2 GB

Hmmmmmmm !
Over the last 6 years, you've spent 277.7 hours playing this selection, which includes 9 items, is valued at $159.95, and requires 38.7 GB

Not bad...not bad at all, xbox live will tell a different story!
Over the last 8 years, you've spent 5140.3 hours playing this selection, which includes 58 items, is valued at $795.53, and requires 331.4 GB

2.2k hours in dota 2
2k hours in cs:s

Got another ~500 hours on dota 2 on another account too.
Over the last 11 years, you've spent 5692.8 hours playing this selection, which includes 66 items, is valued at $1245.43, and requires 532.9 GB

£262 what the account is worth
£163 Total cost
£3.97 Average price

Different figures, top figures are missing a lot of play hours maybe up to 1k missing bottom set lot more accurate for the cost.

Need to use both for a better picture!
Palm on face type thread.

Probably just me being old and grumpy :)

Scary thing is, being old and grumy we're the generation that probably dropped 1000's of hours on the likes of UT, pre-steam CS(mod), Ultima Online etc before steam even rolled along.. not to mention current titles over the last decade outside it :P
Over the last 7 years, you've spent 4487 hours playing this selection, which includes 450 items, is valued at $6784.51, and requires 2293.3 GB
Well I think my play time with Diablo 2 and World of Warcraft would beat all the hours played on my steam account it would be over 20,000 hour's i'm sure.
Only joined a few years ago (in 2012) with X-COM (2012), otherwise wouldn't even have a steam account.

Over the last 3 years, you've spent 990.9 hours playing this selection, which includes 10 items, is valued at $259.91, and requires 108 GB

So. Not a lot really. XCOM2, BG2EE and BG1EE and Dead or Alive Last Round were the only full price purchases I've made so far, all the rest were from sales.
Over the last 11 years, you've spent 1653.2 hours playing this selection, which includes 83 items, is valued at $1599.27, and requires 673.6 GB

Seems reasonable. Definitely haven't spent that much though.

Edit: From the other site -

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: $510 ($417 with sales)
  • Games owned: 83
  • Games not played: 34 (41%)
  • Hours on record: 1,653.1h

Also I think it is vastly underestimating the amount of time I have spent playing Elite:Dangerous :)
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It's makes pretty grim reading

Worth £1176 (£856 with sales)
Games Owned - 246
Hours on Record - 497 over a 3 year period

The amount of time I've put into Fallout 4 recently though I could have earned £2100 (at minimum living wage)
Current account value
Total cost with sales
Steam level
Average price
Average price per hour
Games owned
Hours on record
Average playtime
Games not played
Games not played
Sheesh, I've accumulated around 210 hours of playtime since August last year as that's when I really started using Steam:eek:

Damn you, Dirt Rally, MGSV and Witcher 3! I know it's not all playtime as I often just paused a game and went about my business but it seems a lot for my standards, kinda ashamed of myself:( It didn't even feel like I've played that much.

I have 22 games worth aroud 660 quid (in reality it's less than a half of that as I bought all the keys on auction sites), seven of which I got for free. There are some really cheap ones like Limbo, Oddworld, Max Payne3 and around 10 "proper" ones.

To even think that I used to go months without playing anything and now I game 1-3h every other day to finish all the cheap stuff I grabbed... Witcher 3 and MGS V are still not finished and there's also Dying Light, Mad Max, Final Fantasy XIII and Just Cause 3 to complete... Not to mention those damn timesuckers Dirt Rally and Project CARS:( Please kill me!
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