Are you all called Sarah Connor in real life?I assumed it was an account that somehow spam-followed the whole forum. But I see we're a carefully selected bunch.
I'm assuming this is aliens choosing who will get to be evacuated from Earth before its forthcoming destruction.
I guess other explanations are possible. But unlikely.
I'm now being followed by 5 of you!!!
You can have my mortgage, credit card debt and credit rating - sure!
My collection of small stuffed [dead] hamsters - those I'm keeping.
Just ask Mark, he's probably got all my identity information for you
You didn't say what your favourite flowers are though.Am I about to be assassinated in a quiet London street on the way back to my car?
Is my identify about to be cloned to fund international terrorism?
Am I going to receive random bunches of flowers and sexual invitations from big men called Sven?