who likes Shadows Fall?

18 Oct 2002

listened to "The Art of Balance" album and its great, a good mixture of heavy and meldoic songs. reminds me of Iced Earth and Nevermore. will deffo look out for them in concert.

The Art Of Balance is a cool album, haven't heard the latest album though (although I did see a video on Scuzz of one of the songs).. quality band :)
Just listening to 'The War Within' album,seems excellent so far,Sounds like old school Power metal with a hardcore edge,just up my street!

I'll have to checkout the other albums,'Art of Balance' gets a thumbs here
SidewinderINC said:
a more thrash version of killswitch engage ive always thought.
ive seen them a couple of times, and they have never failed to impress :D

A rather good way to describe them, that :)

Excellent band.
Shadows Fall are great. If you like them I recommend:

All Shall Perish
100 Demons
Darkest Hour
Evergreen Terrace

Gotta be careful and avoid the haircut rubbish, though. :p
You know what I mean. Dodgily-tuned 16-year-olds masquerading a really bad sort of death metal as hardcore. Hello, Bring Me The Horizon.
Going to see them in November, along with Machine head, Trivium, Dragonforce(not a fan), and some other bands I think. Hopefully it'll be good
Spuderoony said:
You know what I mean. Dodgily-tuned 16-year-olds masquerading a really bad sort of death metal as hardcore. Hello, Bring Me The Horizon.

Everytime you mention their name you give them publicity, if you don't like them them don't mention them...

I for one think they are kick ass though :p What's not to like... pretty technical stuff here and there, catchy riffs, breakdowns, crazy pinch harmonics, I swear if they didn't look like they did not so many people would hate them. I for one don't give a crap how they look. Not to mention the fact that vocalist has a digustingly good scream.

I recommend Unearth from that list btw, there newest album is gooooood.
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Spuderoony said:
You know what I mean. Dodgily-tuned 16-year-olds masquerading a really bad sort of death metal as hardcore. Hello, Bring Me The Horizon.
BMTH are so crap they do my head in.

Either they play with cheap gear or are just crap, I'm guessing the latter.

All the songs I've heard sound very poor it just sounds cheap and generic.

Everyone thinks they are hardcore for some reason, they are nothing.
Anyways back on topic, away from the usual BMTH bashing...

I personally have to disagree and say i dont like Shadows Fall, i found the Art of Balance album to be terribly boring and highly derivative, i think Brian's vocals are the weakest part overall too, besides the melodies.
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Blokey57 said:
Anyways back on topic, away from the usual BMTH bashing...

I personally have to disagree and say i dont like Shadows Fall, i found the Art of Balance album to be terribly boring and highly derivative, i think Brian's vocals are the weakest part overall too, besides the melodies.

I kinda have to agree here and say they are a bit generic, nothing makes them stand out.

Unearth however do make me listen....
I love Shadows Fall, War within and Art of Balance are equally good imo, with of one blood just behind. Undecide on the new one, seems quite tight but doesn't grab me as much as the others yet. Probably go and see them on the black crusade.
RSH said:
I kinda have to agree here and say they are a bit generic, nothing makes them stand out.

Unearth however do make me listen....

i find unearth a little boring myself, zombie autopilot being the one exception - that song has everything that you could want in a song.
SidewinderINC said:
i find unearth a little boring myself, zombie autopilot being the one exception - that song has everything that you could want in a song.

Yeah Unearth's new one, i just find i can't find one memorable song on it, whereas The Stings of Conscience and The Oncoming Storm, there are plenty, i can see they're trying to differentiate themselves from the rest though.

Saw them live, thought they were solid performers, but again, found them a bit boring next to Job For a Cowboy (who supported) and left half way through, which is not something i do very often!
Blokey57 said:
Yeah Unearth's new one, i just find i can't find one memorable song on it, whereas The Stings of Conscience and The Oncoming Storm, there are plenty, i can see they're trying to differentiate themselves from the rest though.

Saw them live, thought they were solid performers, but again, found them a bit boring next to Job For a Cowboy (who supported) and left half way through, which is not something i do very often!

Heh I left half way through 'Jobs' set at Download.... bit toooo noisy for me, although I like 'Through The Eyes Of The Dead' and 'The Black Dahlia Murder' type stuff.
I really like some of the songs, quite cool sounding, some do blend in a bit though. Really like one of the songs off the Doom EP with the scream sound effect in it, its great, it went quiet and everyone just screamed, made me chuckle! :D
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