Who shaves their head?

7 Sep 2008
Hey gents,

Who shaves their head here?

Just wondering what type of razor and or products you use?


*waits for a barrage of cocky, cheeky and witty replies! lol
I shave my head as I have a big receeding hair line and my hair is really thin.

Anyway I use a Gillette Mach 3, the new one with the ball joint, don't use cheap disposables they do not give a decent cut at all, plus after one use they are binned.
The Mach 3 gives me 2 weeks of shaves (every 2 days) on my head and my face too. I use shaving gel on my head as well.

I just do both when in the shower ever other day. (I shower every day though lol before anybody says anything)
I actually quite like shaving it all off now, if I magically got a cure and got a full thick maine of hair to grow I'd still keep it all shaven off.

And for my balls.....
I have a bath every second day (yes I shower), lay in the bath and then shave my head as soon as I get out use a good multi blade razor and brush the foam in. Run from front to back then back to front then face. As soon as I rinse I run my finger tips over my head to find any bits I've missed.

I find it really refreshing and saves a fortune on number 2's, my hair is receding badly and one morning I looked in the mirror and thought 'your kidding yourself on mate' and shaved it off, never looked back.
I've been shaving my head for about 2 months now. I used a set of Wahl clippers to initially cut off my hair.

I use a Bald Eagle Smart head shaver now, I'm pretty happy with it.
Use a Gillette razor and shaving foam. As above I shave front to back, then back to front then feel for any rough bits, if I'm going to do a job I'm doing it properly :D
Have been shaving my head for around 6-7 years, used to use Wahl before that.
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