Who's fault is this situation

18 Jul 2021
Land of Gin (I wish)
Driver A jumps a red light going straight. Driver B is turning right to go on same road as Driver A and light was on green. Driver B hits Driver A. If Driver A didn't jump the red light, there would be no car to hit.

I was driver B but stayed back, didn't hit driver A
Both but more A, providing the red light was working. A shouldn't have jumped the light, so largely responsible, but B should have also been paying attention and not moved forward into the path of another oncoming car.
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Driver A has committed an offence. Driver B would still potentially be at fault for the collision depending on the precise circumstances and whether they would have been able to see the situation developing and take evasive action. Just because someone shouldn’t be there doesn’t absolve you of your responsibility to watch where you are going.
Driver A jumps a red light going straight. Driver B is turning right to go on same road as Driver A and light was on green. Driver B hits Driver A. If Driver A didn't jump the red light, there would be no car to hit.

I was driver B but stayed back, didn't hit driver A
Nobody as if you were Driver B and didn't hit Driver A then there is no collision, hypothetically if there is a collision then it is Driver B's fault as he turned into Driver A's lane and right of way, not sure if jumping a red light would negate this as the highway code states only move when safe to do so and I would say a car coming towards you when your light is on green or not means it's not safe to proceed, what happens when there is no filter but you have a green light do you just move forward and turn as after all you have a green light right?

Even if he did jump a red light and it means he is at fault do you have witnesses or proof (dashcam footage etc.), if not he could say he went through as it was amber and you just pulled out on him.
50 50 with no dash cam or witness

To expand on this valid point. It needs to be an external independent witness. The witness statement of a passenger is not deemed acceptable. Remember an insurance company doesn’t go by law, truth, justice and a sense of fair play. They purely go on how much it costs them overall. In cases such as the hypothetical scenario here, driver A just needs to argue their light was green and that driver B crossed their lane.

This is why I have a dashcam, even mine being front only would capture enough evidence to determine fault in the vast majority of cases.
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Driver A is at fault for jumping a red light. But driver B could avoid the incident by driving defensively (as it seems you have). However, insurance would go 50/50 if there is no evidence of the red light.
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Driver A jumps a red light going straight. Driver B is turning right to go on same road as Driver A and light was on green. Driver B hits Driver A. If Driver A didn't jump the red light, there would be no car to hit.

I was driver B but stayed back, didn't hit driver A

I would have done the same as you. Whoever's fault it would be for collision, is a stupid conception, because all of us would much rather not have any collision.
If some idiot was jumping a red light while i was turning right, i would let the idiot go........................it might cost 1/2 a second in time ? a collision "because i was on green" would cost at least an hour in time and probably a shed load of money in insurance premiums for years to come. Plus of course, my car might be a rite off, so i wouldn't get where i was going anyway.
Without independent witnesses or video i would say driver B would carry the can.

without a witness then driver A would insist their light was green and as such B just pulled out on them.

with witnesses then i would guess at 50:50 everyone loses.

I am only posting here as it seems wrapped up however here is 1 thing not mentioned. I am assuming of course there was no green right turn light. That is the only bit which was not mentioned which i am curious about.

If there was and you can prove that your right turn light was green then i would hope driver A would take the blame.... or would driving without due care come into it even with a green right turn light?
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Isn't insurance void if you were breaking the law. A is guilty of driving without due care and attention then causing a collision.
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