Why are rich people motivated by even more money?

Not sure, but many of them seem to be weirdly tight even though they can never spend it all.

I know one, has multi-millions. Buys used cars and clothes at charity shops. Has a large house but filled with largely used furniture.

Gets paid dividends from stocks and shares, just gets tossed on to the existing pile on money. No wild benders or shopping sprees etc.

The reason some people become wealthy is due to that particular mindset that can be difficult to change. They did not initially aim to make millions or buy supercars, rather, their wealth was a by-product of their success.
there was a time the rich people built hospitals, parks, donated land for public use etc
Now they only give to universities that they want their kids to attend

but now none of these people live or have ties to any areas where it would make a difference.

it actually makes me wonder if things could only be owned my people/families who lived local how much better those areas would be.

instead we cheer as they look to the stars and one day hope to escape the planet and leave us all behind, how long until earth is owned by people who don't even live here? 100 years 200?
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there was a time the rich people built hospitals, parks, donated land for public use etc

There are still plenty of wealthy people who donate to services in the area where they grew up or now live.

It's not always a good thing, as there have been notorious cases of things being covered up because of how much money certain people were giving to institutions and nobody wanted to stop the gravy train.
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