Why can't I put on any more weight? Am I just limited by my genetics?

Hi guys thought i'd reply on this thread rather than create a new one.
I've setup a diet of 2,000 calories I want to try and get as lean as possible just to see how far I can take this.
I have a two day split I would vary it more but simply I don't like taking too much time for cooking and preparing food and if I eat more mixed food it'll just get too complicating for me and a lot of the foods i'll be buying will be going off unless I go to the supermarket daily and I don't have the time at the moment.



This is what I generally aim to eat daily but i'll be honest I end up cheating pretty much everyday I lack discipline so i'll always fall off and end up having a chocolate bar and a packet of crisps but I'm still as lean as I've been doing this for a few months even after some huge binges over the weekends (which I just put down to carbing up days :p ).

My question is some days when I may be out all day wining and dining or if I'm away for the weekend I will be buying meals out and just using MyFitnessPal enjoying my meals.
If I was to meet my protein and fat requirements early on and still have say 800 calories what would be the difference if I was to go way over my fat and protein requirements and just skimp on carbs?
I will still get weight loss and retain muscle i'm presuming if I meet my protein requirements and stay in a calorie deficit however would eating a lot more fats and a little more protein affect my body composition or is it not really that important?
Smarties post workout?!
Lol ignore the title I mix those smarties in with my Brunch meal yoghurt it's only 25G's so not even a full packet.
I'm not a pro bodybuilder! I'm just your average guy trying to look good and get leaner 2,000 is a few hundred lower than what I know I can lose weight at so yes I do cheat slightly most days (not everyday) but even when I do I still lose weight and I haven't lost any strength as of yet as the weight loss has been really slow so don't go out and advise me ha.
My 'cheat' is basically eating extra on what is written out on the spreadsheet I eat EVERYTHING there daily but if someone at work brings in a slice of carrot cake i'm not so serious i'm going to pass up on to it telling them 'Sorry mate I've hit my macros for the day'.

Question remains if I hit my protein macros and fat macros what if I was to go over the fats significantly and sacrifice the carbs would this change my body composition much? As in retain more fat/less muscle or little to no difference?
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