Why did you go Linux?

I only really got into Linux mainly because windows was awfull at networking my Ataris. ( admittedly, I am awfull at networking )

I found a page about using RedHat and SLIP to get the Atari talking to PC, and it went from there!

Since then, I have found that OS/2 is also a very good networking OS as well, and I have an OS/2 box still talking to both my Atari TT and Falcon, and also the Linux box, and windows will talk to both OS/2 and Linux, but not the Atari, so in order to get data to/from the Windows / Atari mchines, I have to via Linux or OS/2.
I've only been 'using' linux for a couple of weeks (RH7.3 Ain't it typical, they release a new version just after I burn the current one). I want to run a server 24/7 that doesn't need hand rearing or anything, so decided to have a nose at linux. Besides, really didn't fancy paying for yet another OS that was just gonna sit in a cupboard.
Quotes by NutCase
"they release a new version just after I burn the current one)."

Haha! - Me too! Mandrake, RedHat, Debian, and Slack are all distros I have got off the net, and thats good going I recon for a 56K Dialup with BT ( Get Kicked every 2 hours )

Quote No.2
"Besides, really didn't fancy paying for yet another OS that was just gonna sit in a cupboard."

Erm, thats me also!!!!

Its a tough old world innit!?
I started soon after I networked the few machine in my house. I wanted a server for the internet. But soon started enjoying the configuration files and the mind boggling problem solving aspects on trying to get PPP setup on my fBSD box.

MS and there activation thingy was starting to get to me, the fact that windows does things which I don't want it to or didn't ask it to was paticularly annoying. lol .. boot up windows suddenly ...
"There a new version of MS Messenger avaliable"
"What? I thought I uninstalled that!" :mad: another one is Office XP ... if you delete or move to say a different folder the Office XP links from the start menu. It'll install them back on for you ... great! With Linux it did exactly what I tell it to do and nothing more :) ... Oh and the software is free and normally non bloat :)
I just decided to have a play and to see what linux is all about. I would prolly have an Apple (did have in the past :) ) if I didnt play so many games so I got a PC.

But as you can imagine, moving from the MacOS to any version of windows is like going back in time, windows is just lagging behind in terms of features and usability. Linux helped with some programs I was writing for Uni at the time and it was good to be able to actually learn about an OS instead of having it all hidden away.
Quote by ARC:-
"But as you can imagine, moving from the MacOS to any version of windows is like going back in time, windows is just lagging behind in terms of features and usability."

Hey, Shhh.... I know, you know, many other know, but its not the BF here... Otherwise, I would have gone on one of my usual rantings with My Ataris... Hehe.
My reasons were, 'why limit myself to one OS??' I am not patriotic to any OS at all. I run windows XP, linux, FreeBSD, and I also run 10 2k servers at work. And tbh, every single one has it's strong points. I just wanted to expand my experiece.

I think I went for linux was because I was fed up with Microsoft domination feeling I had to go with what they sold/developed. I also guess it was the 'geeky' side of me taking control but mainly for security and privacy. Microsoft seem to like to collect a lot of info about people and also windows didn't seem as stable or as powerfull. I also like the idea of having control and typing / coding to get the o/s to do as you want rather then bill. I liked using msdos and win3.11 and 9x is ok but this new xp rubbish only seems good for eye candy :(. I installed it and within 20 mins it had crashed 4 times. Win2k is ok but it seems to start every service it can :(.
I also like the idea of not paying for software hehe ;)

I will be glad to see linux overtake microsoft.
although its a good combination windows/office xp is just too expensive for the normal user.

linux is perfect as a desktop for most things a student will need it for, but i use it almost exclusively for server based work.

unfortunatley i cant use it as my desktop operating system as it is missing key features & software support that i require (handycam dv to dvd-r editing being one).

as a side note, microsoft do not operate any spyware inside the operating system, i did see someone mention it earlier...............

although there are plenty of dodgy spyware based win32 softwares knocking about!
Linux is not ideal for a student, anyone doing IT will know this, this is because it is almost completely based around the Office suite of projects.

You need to be able to use Access, and Excel for the coursework, they would not mark my coursework that was in mySQL and PHP.

This makes it that M$ have a monopoly of the education licences. This will not change until the government/schools change things.

I have to use VMWare to use the Office suite of programs.

I can't actually see it changing for while. The reason why education revolves around microsoft products is because MS has put a lot of money funding this. I can't see any unicies being able to fund even a small percentage of MS has put in :(
Originally posted by Shak
Linux is not ideal for a student, anyone doing IT will know this, this is because it is almost completely based around the Office suite of projects.


I think you'll find it'll change once you get past GCSE, and a Linux install will become a very handy thing to have ;)
Originally posted by Nozzer
I think you'll find it'll change once you get past GCSE, and a Linux install will become a very handy thing to have ;)

Oh so A-Level IT can be done in SQL? I've seen two mates do it and they had to do it in Access, I'm moving schools anyways for A Levl, so I can do proper IT :D

Or Computing, whats the difference?

Shak, at Greenhead (college) they are very linux based, they actually encourage people to do projects in php etc :) They run Suse I think or so my sister says :p So there are some (educational) places which have Linux systems :cool:
Originally posted by Shak
Oh so A-Level IT can be done in SQL? I've seen two mates do it and they had to do it in Access, I'm moving schools anyways for A Levl, so I can do proper IT :D

Or Computing, whats the difference?


I wouldn't know, I was never offered computing based courses at A-Level, come university you will do a lot more programming rather than messing around with things.
You going there mate?

My sister goes there at the moment, and I reckon it sounds ace.

Also Andy, the sysadmin there is on the LUG mailing list.

@Mpemba: Didnt know M$ had been putting money into education only to leech it back through software charges.

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