I only really got into Linux mainly because windows was awfull at networking my Ataris. ( admittedly, I am awfull at networking )
I found a page about using RedHat and SLIP to get the Atari talking to PC, and it went from there!
Since then, I have found that OS/2 is also a very good networking OS as well, and I have an OS/2 box still talking to both my Atari TT and Falcon, and also the Linux box, and windows will talk to both OS/2 and Linux, but not the Atari, so in order to get data to/from the Windows / Atari mchines, I have to via Linux or OS/2.
I found a page about using RedHat and SLIP to get the Atari talking to PC, and it went from there!
Since then, I have found that OS/2 is also a very good networking OS as well, and I have an OS/2 box still talking to both my Atari TT and Falcon, and also the Linux box, and windows will talk to both OS/2 and Linux, but not the Atari, so in order to get data to/from the Windows / Atari mchines, I have to via Linux or OS/2.