Why do people always cry "CHEAT!!"

mrbios said:
theres a good way to solve it, dont play public :) i havent been on a public server in css for months and i dont intend to go back, matchs for the win

Even in matches you still get hackers, they might not be as blatant as public hackers but they hide it better. It’s not just hackers, it’s the folk with there 2 meg config files which in most cases is even harder to catch unless you are using a decent anti-cheat like the ones www.thesgl.com and www.csgn.co.uk use. I only play CS 1.6 matches once a week because the community of stupid wee kid hackers who want to go “pro” and get sponsors drive me crazy.

bloodline76 said:
You will always get people calling you a cheat on games. Because people dont like it when you are better than them.

Example: Convinced my wife to have a go the other day on CSS for the first time. She ran head first into a room full of enemies, randomly shot them all in the head jumped around a corner and shot someone in the head across the bridge lol

All in the matter of a few seconds. This was just pure random lucky shooting but we got quite a few people calling her a hacker lol

I though it was so funny as she has trouble running around a corner normally lol

Luckily it never got me banned.

funny on cs;s when you jump around courner and crouch land and hs ppl all the time normally also gets you called a hacker, but with a shot gun you cant really miss ^^
Pinks guide to not being called a cheat on Public servers:

1. Make sure you are not cheating :D

2. Don't bounce from servers to servers, find some you like, a dozen or so should cover most variants of a game, and make them your favourites.

3. Play on Clan servers, who have two or three clan members on most of the time.

4. Make a point of saying 'hello', 'goodbye' and 'thanks for the game'. I.e. use your manners.

5. Within a matter of a few days, most of the clan will know you, remember you and say hello to you, there will be other regulars who do too.

6. Pretty much guaranteed now, when a stranger hurls abuse and cheat at you - the clan will step in and say you don't and back you up. It pretty much stops right away....
I got called an aimbot once in UT, how anyone could call me an aimbot when i was comboing him to pieces with the shock rifle i will never know :p He was just crap and kept coming into the base the same way every time by the tl and not doing anything different.

I just spent time poking fun at him and saying that I was clanned player in having a game and also making sure he kept on dying loads and loads :D Even if the admin for this server did show, i would have been able to call whoever the admin was by their first name. As i always played there and knew the admins from my league games and clans.

There are some bad losers out there.

Pinkeyes said:
Pinks guide to not being called a cheat on Public servers:

1. Make sure you are not cheating :D

2. Don't bounce from servers to servers, find some you like, a dozen or so should cover most variants of a game, and make them your favourites.

3. Play on Clan servers, who have two or three clan members on most of the time.

4. Make a point of saying 'hello', 'goodbye' and 'thanks for the game'. I.e. use your manners.

5. Within a matter of a few days, most of the clan will know you, remember you and say hello to you, there will be other regulars who do too.

6. Pretty much guaranteed now, when a stranger hurls abuse and cheat at you - the clan will step in and say you don't and back you up. It pretty much stops right away....

nah that doesnt really work, sometimes i used to play on the same clanservers, for a while, but quite a lot would eventually ban you, even if youve been playing there for weeks..
I remember on Q2 once, I was on a BW Q2 CTF server (the map was Badlands I think...) and was getting called cheat every few seconds by some tool. Anyway, somebody jumped into the water in front of me and I tried to guess which way they were swimming (you can't see into the water in Q2) and so I tried to track them in my mind with the railgun. After a few seconds I fired....and to my total astonishment I nailed them :eek: Of course, this was absolute proof of me cheating and I was too shocked to even argue. If it had been me on the receiving end I would have been 99% sure that was an aimbot kill. But it was just one of those total flukes I could probably never repeat. I just had to leave the server with my tail between my legs :D

My worst encounter with a cheat was pretty bad......he was a team mate in the Q3A clan I played for. We were just about to get promoted to Div2 BWDML (after climbing, undefeated, from Div5!) when we discovered he had been cheating. He had sent a screenshot of a final score table to our webmaster to upload but forgot it would show all his wallhack graphics :rolleyes: We went straight to BW, told them, and offered to forfeit all the games this guy had played in that season (most of them). This resulted in us almost getting relegated down a division. The clan, which was one of the oldest around, split soon after :(
chopchop said:
nah that doesnt really work, sometimes i used to play on the same clanservers, for a while, but quite a lot would eventually ban you, even if youve been playing there for weeks..

Yeah it does. If you start playing and work your way up the ladder to being one of the best players on the server - the clan members *know* you havent got there by having a cheat installed. Quite often you will get asked to join them too.

Well - it's worked for me since Quake 2 anyway....
i remeber when i first bought css i did my noobing on a americans clan server called the dope head crew - anyway i had a 9200se and a 2.8 celeron (which i still have CURSE!!!1) and couldnt see wtf was going on half the time - then out of the blue i was called a a hacker with a socre of... - wait for it... 3-22 :D - guy got laughed at on ts by everyone - made my week that

celeron :(
I got called a cheat the other night on our own CoD2 clan server, well he called me a hacker; same thing I presume.

He was kicked about 10 seconds later by one of the admins:cool:
i normally just lol at them and say ofc i hack , if you class hacks as been good and kicking your ass
i sometimes say to myself "not sure about that guy" and watch em for a while, then i just go, meh, they're better than me!

just tell them you're not the hacker.. they are and that they're using "crapaimV2.0"
Heh new guy here..

It's starting to get really annoying now I agree, I was accussed of cheating just because I knifed someone on CSS by pure fluke (I panicked and somehow selected the knife O_o)
Zacko said:
Heh new guy here..

It's starting to get really annoying now I agree, I was accussed of cheating just because I knifed someone on CSS by pure fluke (I panicked and somehow selected the knife O_o)
^^ you can 1hit ppl with knife if you hit there back , been called a hacker for doing that a couple of times due to if you hit any where else it 2stab

welcome ocuk btw :)
Curio said:
I remember on Q2 once, I was on a BW Q2 CTF server (the map was Badlands I think...) and was getting called cheat every few seconds by some tool. Anyway, somebody jumped into the water in front of me and I tried to guess which way they were swimming (you can't see into the water in Q2) and so I tried to track them in my mind with the railgun. After a few seconds I fired....and to my total astonishment I nailed them :eek: Of course, this was absolute proof of me cheating and I was too shocked to even argue. If it had been me on the receiving end I would have been 99% sure that was an aimbot kill. But it was just one of those total flukes I could probably never repeat. I just had to leave the server with my tail between my legs :D

If you had a Voodoo gfx card and ran the game in glide you could see through water. :D
You know what annoys me more than people who cry "cheat"? People that act smug because of it.

I mean, it's really nothing to be proud of. Anybody playing on a server with a low enough skill of players will eventually get called a cheater, often by pure luck. But then, instead of simply saying "Ok, you think I cheat but I don't", or ignoring the person accusing, or muting them, or whatever, people insist on being idiots back, and that annoys me no end. I mean, I'll admit, there have been times where I've thought people who were simply good were cheating. But if you even dared to let on that you thought that they'd go into fits of "Oh my god I'm so fantastic you guys are all jealous that I'm so skilled" that just do my head in. Get a grip, you're better than me maybe, well done. That doesn't make you better than every CS player ever, and it doesn't give you the right to be an idiot about it.

Personally, if someone accuses me of cheating, I'll either ignore them (if they're just a random) or defend myself. If they start ruining my game deliberately, I'll just play elsewhere. It's not exactly hard to do. :)
just work your way through your favourites list getting banned. Then delete the lot and get a new list. Repeat frequently.
Hate it during pcws when your not quite sure, until you watch match after. But they aint goign to go away
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