Yet Vega comes out top in all recent games so far lol 1080 was faster on release not anymore.
There is an interesting take there - if you focus just on latest AAA releases (which might be all someone does) Vega 64 is often faster now in some cases even big gains over the 1080 like 20-30% - but if you look at a wider range of games say 50+ titles the 1080 comes out around 5% on top - with likewise some bigger gains over the Vega 64 in some titles.
EDIT: Or like the video above if you look at a few popular new titles, not necessarily AAA games, then there is mostly nothing much in it between the two.
Lower power consumption means less heat to deal with, less beefy PSUs required etc. its a bloody no-brainer that lower consumption should be preferable but people need to stop banging on about the cost of raw power consumption because it's poor argument and one that thankfully few people try to make. Stop assuming that people who mention consumption are concerned about the electricity costs - that is rarely ever the case.
Amen to that - especially if you are considering a multi GPU setup at the top end for 4K or whatever the less heat and lower power supply requirement the better - especially if you start moving into the 1+kw being ideal area where the power supplies are often a big jump in price and/or poor availability of the good ones.
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