These sum up my main complaints with OS X after a couple of years with it.
Window management is diabolical. The random behaviour of the close/maximise buttons is really not acceptable in a product which is supposed to 'just work'. Also, the dock really annoys me because it represents applications but not windows, unlike the Windows equivalent. Sometimes, if you have multiple windows open in the same app, clicking the dock icon brings them all to the front. This drives me insane. It's also pointlessly difficult to restore a window which you've minimised; why is there a separate gesture for this? The entire window management system just seems disjointed and polluted with relics from the past. They need to start again.
Finder is junk as well. Managing files and folders is so awkward compared to Windows Explorer. And why does enter equal rename? That runs contrary to every ingrained assumption which people have about how to use computers. Enter means proceed, go ahead, open. It does not mean rename. Fix it.
Also, my 2011 MBP is just so slow. It spends ages just grinding the hard disk, both when opening apps and especially when resuming from hibernate. After a few days of use I can't have more than 10 Chrome tabs open without it just lagging out completely. It's not as if this is a bad spec machine - nothing with 4GB of RAM should lag like this. Windows machines with 2GB are more responsive.
I'm in two minds about whether to buy another Mac. I love the hardware and am really keen on the rMBP, but can't stand the OS. An SSD will probably fix the lagging but won't fix the glaring design flaws.