Why do people whistle, do they think it's a show of talent?

1 Aug 2005
I don't understand this, I never have. There's a guy downstairs at work whistling a tune ad nauseam. It's excrutiatingly annoying. What I don't understand is why people do this in public. Do they think, "I'm talented and people will benefit from this sound" or do they think, "everyone should know how happy I am" or "people will be impressed by this"?

Because no-one is. No-one whistling has ever done anything but increased their chances of being punched in the mouth.

Do you whistle or do you know people who do?
It doesn't seem like all that terrible a crime to me but perhaps if it really bothers you a quiet word would get him to stop it while you're around. He probably doesn't realise that it's annoying you to the point where you want to punch him in the mouth.
Do you not have any headphones you can use OP? When the whistling/singing/whatever else gets too much for me I just pop in my headphones and take a break from it.
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