Why do so many people hate Skrillex?

13 Jan 2004
South East

Ok, so this year I've become massively into drum and bass, dubstep, electro, etc etc. Now, on my journey of discovering some awesome DJs like Flux Pavilion, Feed Me, Netsky, Skism, Bare Noize, 501, etc etc. I have seen mostly hate for everything Skrillex does (mostly on YouTube comments).

For those in the know, why is this?

I love Skrillex, and I don't know why people have such a problem with him.

Oh, and to make this thread slightly less crap, here is one of my current favourite songs:

Dubstep online has been adopted by a great deal of immature kids and they tend to fight over pointless things.
He's popular. As soon as you're popular you attract a great amount of hate, usually from people who think it's cool to only like fairly unknown stuff, or from people who are jealous that the music they like isn't as well known.
Sonny Moore was the singer for the awful, awful post hardcore band From First to Last. People hate the guy because not only is what he doing now a MASSIVE change in style, some think it's just him trying to latch onto a fad in order to distance himself from his old image.

For me, it's just not the kind of music I get along with.

Some people, eh?
i dont think skrillex is that bad, i wouldnt buy it by i definatly dont hate it. everyone has their own opinions and tastes, personally i love vocaloid stuff :)
I understand people might not like the music, that's fair enough, but it just seems like a lot of the hate is a bit unreasonable. I don't hate *insert artist* because I don't like their music, it's like the people used to like him, then hated him because he did something wrong.
I understand people might not like the music, that's fair enough, but it just seems like a lot of the hate is a bit unreasonable. I don't hate *insert artist* because I don't like their music, it's like the people used to like him, then hated him because he did something wrong.

I see your point there. I find the Justin Bieber hate way over the top. Yes his music is a pile of **** but I don't see that as a reason for hating him like some people seem to.
I actually find 'Never Say Never' quite catchy!

I just don't understand why people hate people that are popular, or just because they don't like them.

Anyway, reason for the thread was to find out if there was a well known reason why Sonny/Skrillex was hated, but it seems there isn't.

I like this:

The hate originates from old school dubheads who think he is polluting the definition of dubstep. Those old school dubheads would likely argue he's making brostep which is a term of derision for what they perceive as mass market mindless dubstep at the more accessible end of the genre. They probably don't like this because they think dubstep should remain underground and niche.

Popularity and success breed contempt. He's making money by piggybacking on the breakout of dubstep and some people aren't happy about that.

I personally think Skrillex is alright, but often a bit ****. I also think that the majority of the comments on youtube are probably made by little kiddies who heard it was cool to hate Skrillex because he was too mainstream.

I couldn't really give two hoots, if it sounds good I'll listen to it, if it sounds crap I won't.
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Its cool to hate things that are popular as it makes you feel like you are unique and not one of the masses. Its cool to say that you have never heard of someone really famous or popular because you are obviously above pop culture and the simple people that idolise them.

Look at apple at the moment, its becoming cool to hate them and Steve Jobs the monster. Its cool to hate Justin Bieber even though he is pretty inoffensive and you only really see him if you actively search him out.

So basically don't worry too much; you won't convert people and its pointless talking to people like that as they are irrational and stubborn.
It's more than just hate because he's popular. As I said, he gets a lot of stick for being in a band which gained a lot of attention, which he subsequently left before "reinventing" himself as a totally different kind of musician. People think it's just him riding a wave because dubstep is suddenly popular.
I think a lot of it comes from being fairly cheesy and mainstream. There's a lot of happy harcore influences in his general sound. There's also the fact he seems to remix owt.

I'll just a add a far better remix of a Foreign Beggars track

whats that then ?

that they make some good and original productions which make them popular and then cash in on their 'fame' with lazy cheap soundalike productions and rereleases ?

also skrillex is a genuine tool

I like to think that it is similar to the TOWIE effect, i.e Take tv/drum and bass (which was good), then make a cheap rubbish poorly made version of it, that panders to the stupid, dumwitted and slightly retarded and you have TOWIE/PENDULUM.

For me personally, I don't like the brostep sound at all. Dubstep... it's a completely different atmosphere from "brostep". It's a grimier sound. The lines between dubstep and grime are blurring like crazy as well (example being Foreign Beggars, but goes right back to and beyond Dizzie Rascal and his Boy In Da Corner album).

The split between brostep and dubstep is like the split between jungle and drum and bass.
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