Why do we upgrade?

i dont understand :p, you get better computers to play new games, you buy new cars because you like them and the stuff that comes with them, you buy stuff because you like them, new ipods because they are full of new features to play with.....if you didnt upgrade anything you would still be on the stone age.
To be fair I generally use a lot of the stuff I buy.

I deffinetly have got my moneys worth out of my Iphone, 40" TV and top end Pc/Xbox

I watch TV almost every evening for atleast 30 mins, same with the computer, I use the iphone all the time for browsing the web and getting information and obviously texting/phoning people. With my N95 or XDA I didn;'t bother because it was too hard to use and not included in the package and cost a bomb.

What is different is people aquirring new items they don't need to show off.

Recently it is people buying Iphones/Blackberries just because they are cool or Landrovers to drive the kids to school.

They are status symbols as much as anything in some ways. but I don't call spending half my wage or getting finance on a car cool bit sad tbh. If you can afford it and need it then fair enough.

I got a almost brand new car, this was probably the biggest mistake but it was a gift and had to be new. If it was my money I would have purchased something older.

However now I have all these things I don't iintend to spend any more on them until I need to. Yes I could buy a 46" TV but I think I will atleast wait for 50"+ :D
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Every human being on the planet has one major flaw - greed.


You only realise it (if you are lucky) as you get older.
Materialism actually counts for sweet **** all.

LIFE, FRIENDS, GOOD HEALTH... That's all that really matters
I must be bucking the trend as I don't compulsively upgrade.

I don't like mobile phones and the last mobile phone I had was a Nokia 3310 which I had for years until recently it developed a fault. I now have a Samsung (I think) pay as you go mobile bought for £15 from Tesco.

My last computer was 4 years old before I built a new machine.

I have a £20 philips mp3 player that I occasionally take to work, that was the major reason why I wanted something cheap.
e-peen/something new.

i LOVE opening new stuff...then editing my sig...

yea ok theres no need for most of it.
I upgrade because the technology that becomes available does more of what I want at a price I'm willing to pay.

However there's not really much else I can upgrade in the way of gadgets.

My "DAP" (MP3 player if you like) is a Cowon X5L, and there's still nothing on the market that I'm aware of which would do the job better. I was going to get a Hifiman HM-801, but the battery life is poor. Sure there's more modern and more functional things out there but they don't offer anything to me.

I quite strongly believe that we will reach a point with certain pieces of technology where there will be no more technological leaps. It'll all be down to the UI, the engineering, the battery life, etc. When we reach that point I don't think we'll see many people upgrading.

For example, how many people upgrade a hammer?
can't say it applies to me really. I get technology for what I intend needing it for.

Still running 1gb ram/2.8 single core PC. I only use it for Office Suite/Internet/Music playing and do all my gaming on my PS3 so there's no need for a quad core 1/2gb gfx card equipped PC (even though it would be nice). :)
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