not sure if done right you have to include cas rating i would believe to .
as im with 2200 at cas 9 faster then 6700k with 2400 or 2600 at cas 14 or 16 , or even more can't remember need to check benchmarks
They did do some rudimentary testing of different CAS values. They found that latency took a fairly distant backseat to the overall speed with the latter compensating several times over for latency.
20% performance gain from memory doesnt seem real in my brain
was it sponsored by kingston or corsair or something...not that im jaded.....
Apparently the spur for this article was Asrock emailing them to say their new motherboard was the first to support 4333 (G.Skill has just produced some). The Techspot author didn't think it would make much practical difference but said what the Hell, let's try it. Turns out for the first time in ages, RAM speed is actually starting to make a significant difference in some cases. They also thought that maybe the memory controller on Skylake was a lot better maybe.
You're still better off spending your money on powerful GPU and CPU until you've pretty much exhausted those options, but it's nice to see that RAM is becoming relevant. Occasionally bottlenecks do shift around! But if you have the set up for it (esp. SLi, I would guess), looks like a good buy.