Why does the UK hate cyclists?

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Because you don't pay a penny in road tax, insurance, driving licence etc.

Its as simple as that, yet you think you can use the road the same as a motorist.

There is no such thing as a direct tax which gives any road user more eligibility to use the road than any other. Your "road tax" is actually vehicle exise duty, and it is largely a tax on vehicle emissions, not a permit to give you priority over other road users. If we were to have the same tax imposed on cyclists under the same rules, then they'd still be paying nothing. Presumably you get annoyed at electric car drivers too, or pedestrians, or horses? The roads are for the free use of anyone within the remit of the highway code.

But if even if you persist in thinking that the roads are only for those who "pay" for them, you're on a hiding to nothing... as was pointed out earlier in the thread, cyclists will be paying toward the taxes which are used to maintain our roads through general taxation and council taxes.
I have noticed amateur made signs warning of a "Cycle Race" on our local roads have been changed fairly recently to indicate a "Cycle Event". I presume this has some insurance significance regarding admittance to racing on a public highway? Does it mean we motorists can have a "Car Event" with impunity, and the joy of the equivalent of riding furiously? :)

As long as you do it within the confines of the law and the highway code, sure. But if you were to drive your car to the limit of its performance on the public road, you'd be well over the speed limit and outside the confines of safe driving, whereas even the fastest cyclists are probably not going to be breaking the speed limit. There is no expectation by those organising the " cycle event" that any participants will be doing otherwise, and placing signs up along the route is simply a sensible notification to other road users that there may be a higher than average number of cyclists on that route.
For me it’s the ones that think they are in the Tour De France and race about at max speed on the roads.

These types of cyclist have a blatant disregard for every other user of the road and think they are 100% right of way in every instance.
As long as you do it within the confines of the law and the highway code, sure. But if you were to drive your car to the limit of its performance on the public road, you'd be well over the speed limit and outside the confines of safe driving, whereas even the fastest cyclists are probably not going to be breaking the speed limit. There is no expectation by those organising the " cycle event" that any participants will be doing otherwise, and placing signs up along the route is simply a sensible notification to other road users that there may be a higher than average number of cyclists on that route.

Yes, but what suddenly caused a change from dozens of signs by the marshal stations changing from cycle race to cycle event, and are they time trials?
If all the cyclists were driving cars, the roads would be even more congested and we would all be boldly going nowhere quickly. ;)

By cycling, we are not only keeping ourselves fitter (albeit we might be inhaling motor vehicle fumes), but we are helping to reduce the strain on the NHS a little bit and in theory extending our lifespan. Current 20-40 year old in the UK are not expected to live as long as previous generations because of "Planet couch potato syndrome."

I'd hazard a guess that resentment of cyclists is worse in densely populated areas like Southampton, but in the same areas, there is increase road rage between motorists too.

In my opinion, the biggest issue is that a cyclist and their bike weighing ~50-125Kg and travelling typically at 0-40mph (including decent downhill sections) is always going to come off worse in a collision with a car or larger (with a total weight of 1000+Kg) typically doing 0-75mph in a 60mph zone. Yet motorists love to pass cyclists by inches, rather than 150+cm, which various police forces are now cracking down on with Operation Close Pass (using undercover cyclists with video cameras and uniformed police in the area to pull over offenders).
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Because the haters are selfish.

I’m not even going to read this thread because I can 100% guarantee it’s full of stupid comments.

Hating on cyclists is no more stupid than hating on Muslims because of ISIS.
Yes, but what suddenly caused a change from dozens of signs by the marshal stations changing from cycle race to cycle event, and are they time trials?

I don't know, but if it's anything like the couple of sportive events I've taken part in, it's because it's not a "race" in that you are racing directly against other competitors. Anyone can enter, people turn up and set off whenever they wish, and there are usually a variety of different routes for people of different abilities. So "event" is more accurate I guess. Yes, when I did one, I was given a timing chip which recorded start and finish times for comparison against other riders on the same day, but there's no real rewards for faster riders.
The main reason is because they are painfully slow and hold everyone up.

I think my biggest gripe is people doing it recreationally. Why inhale copius amounts of pollution in a risky environment, whilst slowing down and irritating people who need to get somewhere when you could just ride through a park/the countryside? I honestly don't really understand that.

People who commute, fair enough, but i don't know why cyclists get surprised that they annoy motorists*. They are just a slow nuisance (although granted this is partly because our roads are mostly not designed for them).

*disclaimer: many car drivers annoy other motorists as well though :p

I saw something on TV the other day which showed in traffic you're subject to less pollution if you're outside of a vehicle than if you're sat inside one. Basically the pollution gets in the car and builds and builds. There was a filter technology they demonstrated to remove the harmful particulates from the now polluted air inside the car. In short though you're better off being a pedestrian or out in the open air in traffic.

I'm one that owns a car but uses bicycle as my main form of transport to work. It's only a 6.5mile commute so hardly worth getting the car out for. The engine wouldn't even warm up properly in the time it takes to drive me to work. So the car sits on the driveway all week. I am lucky that the route I cycle is relatively quiet and my start time means I don't meet much traffic at all in the morning. I do extend my ride to get this quieter route however as cycling down Hamble Lane doesn't go down with the motorists and the cycle path is pretty shabby. As part of a team at work I've put out survey's to establish what my company could do to encourage more people to walk, cycle, bus, train, car share to work. Anything to basically reduce the amount of cars on the roads. There were many an interesting survey result that showed such a poor attitude. So much selfishness and entitlement.

I'm also one that, whilst not on my road bike to commute and using an MTB with panniers and several lights, still wears functional cycling clothing. I find it more comfortable wearing lycra. I'm as day glow as I can get, just received some lovely fluro Northwave Raptor Artic GTX winter cycling shoes in fluro yellow. I'm pretty sure if I got knocked off though the first thing to be said would be SMIDSY. I do agree with what someone said about front flashing lights on bikes though, they are an annoyance. They don't allow distance to be judged at all well. Also with bike lights getting brighter many a cyclist aren't using their noggin and are setting it for them to see as far ahead as possible which is simply blinding everyone else. I use a Hope R4 on the front which I'm well aware is pretty bright so have it angled down enough for me to still be able to see enough at speed (20mph) but without blinding oncoming traffic.

I hope one day things will change but I don't see it happening. Too many self centered and self entitled numpties out there. I see bad from both sides and I see good from both sides on the road. I've pulled people up at work for not having lights on their bikes. One morning I had someone from my work shout at me to hold on as I overtook in an unlit park asking could I go slower and cycle with them so that they could see where they're going.....Not impressed. They had to put up with a lengthy ear bashing as we cycled along!

The roads are now vastly over crowded with vehicles. I've no idea what the solution is but I'd like to feel safer when I'm out and about cycling. I enjoy the exercise and the fact I'm doing a bit for the environment and causing less road damage etc. Many a reason in the survey results, mentioned earlier, for not cycling were that people would not feel safe on the road on a bicycle. So catch 22 and people stay using their cars. The last thing is that to me as a nation we're becoming fat and lazy, actually we're pretty much there already. So refreshing going to other European countries. The level of activeness is far greater and the people look better for it. It's really noticeable on landing back in the UK. That's a whole other issue though.

Insurance is a tricky one. It comes down to the individuals integrity at the time of an incident. If I were to cause damage to a car whilst cycling and it were my fault I'd pay up. I accept there are those who don't though. I'm pretty confident that there are far more car drivers causing damage to other cars and driving off leaving no details than there are cyclists doing the same! I basically see it as anyone who comes up with reasons why cyclists should not be on the road, i.e. don't pay tax, don't pay insurance, jump red lights etc are typical examples of those with the self centred / entitled attitudes. Now if there was a test to 100% identify these individuals and ban then from using a vehicle on the road we'd be going a long way to solving the over crowded roads situation :D

These threads are always rinse and repeat, which is a shame as it shows attitudes etc are not changing. Maybe one day...........
Dunno about the UK but in Manchester it just seems to be a self righteous little tribal war. People park in cycle lanes, cyclists are colourblind.

I hate those cyclists that ride through lights, or filter traffic to sit directly in front of you then slow you right down (filtering is illegal last I heard). In my book, if you want to be treated like traffic you have to obey the traffic laws which round here they just don't.

The other thing that bothers me is that you've got a device capable of inflicting serious damage to my car but zero accountability for it. Why does everyone else need insurance but not you?

I don't think I hate cyclists, I just hate the attitude.
I've been inconvenienced by far more car drivers than cyclists. I really have an issue with cyclists who ignore things like traffic lights, and inconsiderate cyclists who take bloody minded approach because they are "in the right" (but then there are plenty of car drivers with this attitude too)
Can anyone that has cycled in France, Belgium etc offer their experiences? Road cycling in Britain can certainly have its quirks, but I've got nothing to compare it to.
Can anyone that has cycled in France, Belgium etc offer their experiences? Road cycling in Britain can certainly have its quirks, but I've got nothing to compare it to.
Plenty of folk in the road cycling thread in sports arena will have, though they may not want to venture into such a well balanced thread as this.
Can anyone that has cycled in France, Belgium etc offer their experiences? Road cycling in Britain can certainly have its quirks, but I've got nothing to compare it to.

Not those countries, but Holland, naturally, is an absolute joy to cycle in. One of the few places I have felt absolutely safe and enjoyed every last pedal stroke.
So you’re happy to be angry with people behaving legally? Seems par for the course.

Its legal to get drunk as a skunk and be a bell end in town. Its legal to smoke literal cancer outside every doorway to every building forcing people to walk through it. Just because it's legal doesnt mean it's infallible. Its legal to filter all my millions through offshore accounts, and that's a rabbit hole.

In any case I don't care about the filtering itself, I only mentioned it's legality as I had incorrectly understood it. What bothers me is that by parking slower vehicles in directly in front of faster ones, you're having a direct affect on the flow of traffic and inhibiting other people's actions. If they cycle up the inside to the front and wait to one side for the lights then there's no issue.

Jesus this is why I stopped posting in discussions. It's exhausting having to cover every possible reply in advance and make it bullet proof. Make one slight mistake and everything else you've got to say is irrelevant.
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