^This the engineering insitutes were writing circa 2000 to the gov saying we needed to build nuclear stations asap to maintain supply security from 2015 onwards and they did the ostrich act. Short term career politicians are not suitable for putting in charge of decisions requiring running long-term strategy and whole-life perspective with growth redundancy and failover etc.
Politicians are already blaming the people who warned them the system was going to fail and the people who have been trying to keep it working. It'll work, so the politicians will continue to not fix the problem. The point of democratic politics is winning the next election. The point of democratic politics isn't to fix a problem, especially if doing so is expensive, a long term fix (no obvious benefits by the next election) or can be used against you in the next election (like nuclear power). Infrastructure is well down on the list because it's all three of those things and it can always be put off until someone else's term.